Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 9 Cleanse

Happy Valentine's Day! David sent me flowers. 

And I bought each of us a session of colon hydrotherapy. He accused me of being "crazy romantic." Fitting in a crazy sexy way, yeah? Here's a video I found on YouTube as to what's in store for that.


To Dos:

Priority #1. Begin job search. That causes me great pain, but the time has come. I'm only in Myrtle Beach till end of March when Tyler goes off to an Asperger's Syndrom Adult Transition program in CT. We will need some serious coin to make this a possibility. I pray I find a job I like as much as I need.

Cause Me "Pain"
1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Find research report on one of my many thumb drives (complete)
4. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
5. Research lenders, options to refinance
6. Read news magazine - one hour
7. Clean spam off computer - one hour
8. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads

9. Complete insurance application

Inspire Me
1. Make mani/pedi appt
2. Make massage appt
3. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family
4. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
5. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
6. Donate to Kevin's film project (inspired w/some pain; wish I had income)



Ooh! It just keeps melting away. 

Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon a pinch of cayenne
+ 20 min guided meditation


Yeah, my calf hurts today. So does my hip. Time for yoga.

+ Power Vinyasa 
+ Bike 5 miles r/t to yoga


+ I skipped it. Was running a little late for yoga and not feeling particularly hungry.


+ Green Juice (not War) with a tsp of ChlorEssence consumed by wine glass :)

+ Little guac and hummus as I made eggplant dish
+ Few bites of eggplant before I stored it for tomorrow


+ Resveratrol pills
, B12, ChlorEssence (in juice)


+ Homemade asparagus soup (2 big bowls)
+ Portobello mushroom

God Pod Maintenance

+ 8 hours sleep last night

The smell of pasta wafted its way into my room at 3:30 am (Tyler). Then the living room TV kept me up. But I was able to fall back to sleep around 4am and get in all my Zzzz's.


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed
+ A lot of kitchen duty and dishes!

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Bought the ingredients for injera bread. Can't wait to putz with it, but I had too many other dishes to deal with today. Perhaps tomorrow. I am already stretched for tomorrow. Supposed to run 6 miles and would like to hit yoga b/c I need to get dinner for Tyler at the Kroger next door and I bought unlimited pass, so I want to do it all! 


Nine days and I'm definitely not missing wine. I think it's pretty easy (thankfully) to cut out when you aren't socializing and Lord knows I'm not. Tonight I had a splash of unsweetened pomegranate, blueberry juice in my seltzer (in wine glass) and felt perfectly indulged. 

I got a stress headache in the middle of the day when I learned about some junk David is having to deal with at the office, which affects all of us. I let it go and reminded myself that right now, right this minute, I am at the beach and there is no point in getting all stressed. 

Goal is to come out of this cleanse stronger and clearer and take that with me back to NYC.

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