Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 4 Cleanse

To Do's:

A regrouped list of chores. Maybe it'll help me focus. When my energy gets angry, I can do a Pain Project. When I'm feeling easy breezy, I can have a little fun; knock out a few things while I indulge in TV or something.

I was feeling a little tense today so I hit my list harder than usual. I promise to file that damn OZ claim within the next few days. Tomorrow is warmest day of week (61) so I want to get outside a bit. Walk to yoga and grocery store.

Cause Me "Pain"

1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Find research report on one of my many thumb drives
4. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
5. Book flight to NY for baby shower (done)
6. Order gift for GL's baby shower -- (done; no pain, all pleasure. I thought it'd be harder)
7. Research lenders, options to refinance
8. Read news magazine - one hour
9. Clean spam off computer - one hour
10. Figure out internet set up here (can't. I'll keep borrowing wireless from unit 1102)
11. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
12. Balance joint checking acct (done)

Inspire Me

1. Make mani/pedi appt

2. Make massage appt 
3. Make chiropractic appt for NYC Groupon (done)
4. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family
5. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
6. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
7. Volunteer for something around here (Complete. Why am I stressing myself out?)
8. Donate to Kevin's film project (inspired w/some pain; wish I had income)

Glad I'm making these appointments. Some of the docs I want to see aren't avail for 3-4 months out! 


Weight: 131.4 

Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon and pinch of cayenne
+ African Rooibos herbal tea (decaf!)
+ 20 minute meditation: Daily Dose with Kathy Freston

I like today's CSD affirmation: "The world needs me today." And so they do.


+ Sweet Green Smoothie 

Found this recipe online at VegTV w/Marie Oser. Totally healthy still, but way more palatable to me. I think I may actually like it. In your Vitamix, put:

1 c water
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 banana
1 pear
2 cups frozen spinach
3 dates
Flaxseed (looks like 1/4 c or so)

Run blender on high 1 minute. 


+ Homemade asparagus soup: 2 bowls


+ VitC w/5% calcium, Resveratrol pills, B12


+ 2 cuts of Gardein chicken scallopini (so good and only 90 cal each). Sides of broccoli and cauliflower/amaranth mash w/cheesy sause. Dressing is ketchup and dollop of Dijon Nayonaise. I also put two pats of Earth Balance (veg) butter and a little garlic powder on the broc after I snapped this picture.


+ Rest of Sweet Green Smoothie (afternoon)

+ Guacamole with a few crackers (nighttime)

+ Raspberry Chocolate (er, carob) Tofu Mousse (bedtime treat)


Today's marathon training called for XT (cross training). I'm still hobbling. Tried to XT with Tai Chi video. I can only do opening posture before I get too confused. Why is the guy facing me? I have to turn my back to video to understand what he's doing. Why did all those people on recommend this vid? I want to smash it. Will have to find a class to learn the basics first, I think.

So, now what? I picked up my 3lb weights and pumped them randomly for half and hour. Doesn't feel like much of a workout, but at least I did something.

God Pod Maintenance

+ 8.5 hours sleep last night

(forgot to dry brush and white strip, etc.)


Survival (daily chores)
+ 6 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed
+ 1 load of laundry
+ Kitchen duty and dishes

Creative (feeds my spirit)

+ Promoted Kevin Brown's film project online. Now, I need to donate. That part will be a new To Do.


I find I have loads more time in the day when I don't drink. My brother, who is also taking a long perhaps indefinite break from the hooch called me tonight and neither one of us were slurring. My husband (who's in NYC this week) is also taking a break from it for awhile because he caught a glimpse of his stomach in his reflection in the window and didn't like what he saw. It's CRAZY to me that all three of us are off the alcohol for a while, all for different reasons. I'm going to have to seriously rethink it after these 21 days. I can already see there is a lot to be gained without it.

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