Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 11 Cleanse

To Dos:

They all inspire and cause me pain so now that my list is smaller, I'm collapsing the two categories. Hmmm....still didn't file that claim with OZ. It's probably because I have it buried here as #1 (wink).

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Read news magazine - one hour
6. Clean spam off computer - one hour
7. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
8. Complete insurance application (Cigna) done
9. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor (Oxford)
10. Make massage appt
11. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (Intervention wk)
12. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
13. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?


Upon Rising

+ 20 min guided meditation

I keep seeing myself as an entrepreneur. I changed my To Do from "Find Job I Love" to "Create Job I Love" (and pray David hits it big at work).

Day 11: Assignments

Today's assignment from Kris Carr is to make a love list -- 10 things I love. Here're 10 off the top of my head in no order:

1. When David takes pho-toes of me using my own feet
2. Ethiopian food
3. My Vitamix
4. Living on the beach/ocean
5. Owning a place in Manhattan
6. My family 
7. Cuddling w/husband to great shows via computer (The Extras, Peep Show, Arrested Development, The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret, etc.)
8. Hot topics on The View
9. Discovering and learning stuff that rocks my Crazy Sexy World
10. Helping someone -- and really experiencing it as my privilege, especially when I have the resources (money or time) and creative wherewithal to make a difference.

Today's assignment from Kathy Freston is to make a list of seven things I love to do and make me happy. Here they are in no order:

1. Run
2. Yoga
3. Bike
4. Swim
5. Watch a movie
6. Read a good book
7. Sex on top ;)

Funny, but I'm doing the exercises in real time. Next she suggests we slot these activities into each of the seven days of the week. Hmmm....I kind of do most of them every day already. Maybe I could pick up a book more. Jump in the pool more. I guess I could roll to the top more too. Crack me up.


Woke up early with good intentions for the treadmill. Two steps in, I had to stop. OK. So that's where I am. I moved over to the elliptical for an hour. Crazy, but I felt a few waves of guilt. "Is this a tough enough workout?" Did I sweat enough? I'm definitely miffed about my hip pain. Had to shake off the guilt because, give me a break, I'm doing great. After that, I went to yoga class. In summary:

+ Elliptical (1 hr) while watching sun rise!
+ Power Vinyasa (1 hr)
+ Bike 5 miles r/t to yoga (50 mins)


+ Made a post-workout recovery drink. Took a few sips. Rest of it spilled out in my backpack on my way to yoga. Arg!


+ Green Juice (not War) with a tsp of ChlorEssence by wine glass :)

+ Little guacamole with a few Mary's Gone Crackers (vegan, dairy free, good!)

I swear I'd eat more, but I'm just not all that hungry. I started to feel hungry around 5:30, so I made dinner then.


B12, ChlorEssence (in juice)


Side dish portions of:
+ roasted sweet potato
+ sauteed kale
+ beans and rice
+ eggplant

God Pod Maintenance

+ Dry brushing
+ 7 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed
+ Kitchen duty and dishes

+ 1 load of laundry

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Plan to make injera bread tomorrow morning before yoga. It needs to set 8-10 hours so maybe I'll be able to enjoy some red lentils and bread (oh how I miss bread!) tomorrow night. Note on that: The gluten-free bread I found all seem to be made with eggs or be heavy as brick. I guess I won't be eating it till I get off this cleanse and can have the real thing. Or, hopefully my injera bread will turn out.


I had an insight today of a winning strategy for the Big Game - life being the big game we're all playing. I don't believe that my new prosperous future is going to knock on my door and surprise me, but I also noticed that I cannot see it when I'm standing in my past, as I've been doing when I think about my career and "getting back in the game". Yes, I made good money and yes I have certain skills that could make that money again (something I need to do!) but I don't have to drag the past way of doing things with me. I can actually build from scratch without starting over. The ah-ha for me wasn't that I can let go but that I should let go. Thanks for the permission meditation session!

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