Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 17 Cleanse

To Dos:

Some of these things never leave my list since they can never really be "completed" (a la keep up on the news). I'm going to take them off so I can focus on the stuff I really need to get done. Also, after talking with my mom it occurred to me that if people want to change, they'll ask for my help. I can't be offering interventions and expecting great results. I should know this by now. Husband is still the same guy I married. OMG, I've got to file that friggin claim with OZ, already.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Read news magazine (ongoing)
6. Clean spam off computer (ongoing)
7. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
8. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
9. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (complete)
10. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
11. Write recco for CPY

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ Power Yoga (1 hour)
+ Guided meditation (20 min)

Doing a meditation before or after yoga feels redundant. Even so, I let it slip over the past few days and want to put the practice back in during this cleanse. Today's weather was splendid. I meditated on the balcony facing the ocean while soaking in the rays. I saw myself speaking in the career that I'm creating for myself. I've never liked giving presentations, but my jobs have always required it. In my vision of my future self, it would seem that I like these speaking gigs and being the keynote on topics (TBD) that I actually care about.


+ Green Juice Not War (spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, 2 mint leaves, romaine, ginger, 2500 mg Chlorella)


+ Potato leek soup
+ Wrap

Gluten-free millet flax tortilla, sauteed mushrooms, onions and red pepper, avocado, tomato, hummus, mustard and sprouts.


B12, Chlorella, fiber pills 


+ Gardein chicken (processed, but a rare treat), spinach, steamed broccoli and lentils.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Neti pot -- finally! David brought my pot up from NYC and I got the solution at Walmart the other day.

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 3 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Shopping at Marshalls. Bought a few new pairs of yoga pants. 


I'm seriously annoyed with dear husband. He's cheating on his plan, which is fine. I'm not the boss of him. But he's also taken to lying to me about it. What's up with the lies? What's up with my karma that I attract so many liars? Can't stand it. So long as this goes on, we'll live separate lives that overlap around chores and junk. It stresses me out to be married. I don't see the point. Easier to be single because on days like today if he were to ask me out on a date, I'd say no. I gotta wash my hair and read a book or something. Oh, and I don't date liars, liar. Yeah, yeah, I still love him. Just tired of being taken for a fool. 

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