Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 18 Cleanse

To Dos:

Well, I started the damn OZ claim. I think the reason it's been on my list so long is that David took it for his list and then sat on it for six months. I could've had this thing filled out last July. In fact, I did, since David asked me for all of the details to fill it out back then, which I emailed to him -- only to find he never did anything with it and has since deleted the email. I will prob have to wait till I go to NYC for G's baby shower before I can re-look up all the info to complete this task. I hear myself complaining and I don't like it and promise I'll get off it. I'm just being honest with myself why some of these things are taking me so long. I've been putting off the emotional toll, but I guess I'll have to pay it some time. I can't let this sit anymore though or else I'll have to pay the toll again.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
6. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
7. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
8. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
9. Write recco for Carolina Power Yoga (done - how's this?)

This is such a great studio! While I'm only in town a short while, how wonderful to be so quickly embraced by Tara and her yoga students as part of this lovely community! Gorgeous calming atmosphere, personal attention, asanas and contemplations that'll hold you in your peace place all day long. A little CPY goes a long way to help you vinyasa through whatever life happens to throw your way. Tara is a terrific instructor and my experience here has been nothing short of yogasmic! Highly recommend! 

I'll tackle the Linked-In reccos tomorrow. They've been on my list a long time now and Melissa and Diana probably think I'm a big jerk. I actually started them some time ago. I just need to find them and finish. 

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ Power Yoga (1 hour)
+ 4 miles

I am bursting with energy. No caffeine or anything. Just ... oozing energy. So, this afternoon I figured I'd try out the old treadmill to see if my hip was going to cause me major grief. I put it on a 2.0 incline to take a little edge off. I ran the first 2.5 miles at 11:30 pace and when that didn't kill me, I ran the last 1.5 miles at 10:55 (I think that's right; 5.5 on treadmill). Not fast, no, but surprisingly faster than I thought I could run without pain. 

+ Brendan Braizer recovery drink (lemon, lime, dates, coconut water, agave, dulce, maca)


+ Green Juice Not War (spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, 2 mint leaves, romaine, ginger, 2500 mg Chlorella)


+ Asparagus soup
+ Hummus and crackers


B12, Chlorella (green drink) and maca (recovery drink)


+ Aztec corn soup (Happy Herbivore) which includes quinoa, corn and beans

God Pod Maintenance

+ Neti pot

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Assignment today is to create a vision board. I have mine started on Pinterest, a new social networking site -- fast-growing and soon to be all the rage. I pinned a picture of Trinny and Susannah on my "My Style" board. I'm excited to start thinking about fashion once I slim down to whatever stopping point I reach with this cleanse. 


Still seriously annoyed with dear husband for all the reasons I listed yesterday. I'm not carrying over my grudge from yesterday. I don't like to do that. But today is a new day, and I'm dealing with the same crap. 

I just keep focusing on my own self improvement, but that's only going to take me so far. If we don't start growing together, well, what's the point? 

I didn't meditate again. Since the intention of the guided meditation is to 'be the best me I can be today,' I never feel motivated to do it in the afternoon or evening. I just have to try to wake up earlier to do it before I go to yoga. Speaking of, tomorrow is a two-hour workshop. I should make a point to eat something beforehand, too. 

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