Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 20 Cleanse

To Dos:

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa (done)
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
6. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
7. Order wheat grass kit for NYC


Melissa was an integral part of our team, perfectly comfortably and capable in all aspects of research design and analysis — qual, quant, ethnographic, secondary, etc. She absolutely shined in her contribution to the design and execution of innovative, haven’t-done-that-before kinds of studies.

As our resident public health expert, we relied on her guidance to understand and meet strict protocols required by our clients including the CDC and NIH. Melissa is a passionate self-starter with high standards and a commitment to produce extraordinary results. My fondest memories of Melissa are of her can-do energy. She attacked each and every challenge head on, never cutting corners and always delighting clients.


If the title existed, Diana would be Head Agency Chameleon. Driven by a natural curiosity and inherent confidence and fearlessness to poke in her head and ask if she can help, Diana has seen it all and knows how to pull the ropes to make things go -- what to do, who to call, what happens next and when -- in whatever project du jour.

Whenever she'd lend a hand in strategic planning, she always brought a creative sensibility to her assignments that raised the quality of output to something rather special: thoughtful, thorough, and even a little magical. There's no mistaking her touch. Diana is the consumate professional with clients, cool as a cucumber under pressure and a great addition to any team.

OK, that wasn't so hard. It's only been on my to-do list for six months. I also have a request from way back to check out what Alice has been up to/recco in kind. God, I can't let these things sit so long! Then I not only need to write a recco, I have to apologize for being such a jerk. 


What the ?

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ 20 minute guided meditation in the hot tub! 

Decided to skip yoga today in favor of some weight/strength training in the gym. Then the day got away from me (I went shopping for smaller jeans at Tanger outlet mall) and well, that workout didn't happen. I usually take Sundays off, but figure I can get a weight-training session in tomorrow morning.


+ Sweet Green Smoothie

1 c water
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 banana
1 pear
2 cups frozen spinach
3 dates
Flaxseed (looks like 1/4 c or so)
Run blender on high 1 minute. 


+ Amy's enchilada 
+ Baked onion rings (not so great)


B12, Chlorella (green drink)


+ Chinese takeout: tofu, veggie Hunan sauce and spring roll.

Spring roll was fried, but it's Saturday night and I'm wanting something "bad". Tomorrow is a juice fast day, so I feel like I can do it and not be too sorry on Monday. Right now, I'm stuffed. 

God Pod Maintenance

+ 8.5 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

+ New pants purchased -- sale jeans and stylin' (discount) shorts and capris 

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Talked to my dad tonight. I always talk to him. Still, it's nice to appreciate that our conversations do feed my spirit and I'm glad to have him in my life. He shared with me that my three nephews all qualified for State in wrestling. Jacob (9) came in first in his division, Matt (11) came in third and Luke (12) who never qualifies, qualified in 4th place! Let's celebrate!


If I were allowed to have wine I would've had some tonight. It's Saturday and I wanted to break loose a little. Hell, what do I do for fun anymore? I mean, non-goodie-two-shoes type fun? When I go back to New York, what will I do on Saturday nights? David likes to watch his hockey, so I'm pretty much on my own. Going out with the girls generally involves 2-3 glasses of wine, minimum. Maybe I'll make Saturday my social night where I allow myself some alcohol and I'll continue to restrict the rest of the week and I'll continue to fast on Sundays. I'm a little leery about ending this cleanse without some form of structure in place like that because I was pretty undisciplined in the wine department up through a few weeks ago. A couple glasses lead to chocolate and mindless noshing and next-day regret. OK, so for now, I say Saturdays I drink.....if I so choose.

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