Friday, February 10, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 5 Cleanse

To Dos:

Yeah, it all causes me pain today. I'm not interested in doing any of it. 

Cause Me "Pain"
1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Find research report on one of my many thumb drives
4. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
5. Research lenders, options to refinance
6. Read news magazine - one hour
7. Clean spam off computer - one hour
8. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads

Inspire Me
1. Make mani/pedi appt
2. Make massage appt
3. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family
4. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
5. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
6. Donate to Kevin's film project (inspired w/some pain; wish I had income)



Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon a pinch of cayenne
+ 20 min (walking) mediation


+2 hr walk
+1 hr Power Vinyasa

I decided to check out a 9:30 class at Carolina Power Yoga, a cute studio next to the Kroger. I had to leave at 8:30 and it took me the full hour to walk it there (no car). I was made to feel so welcome by the owner, Tara. I listened to my Kathy Freston meditation during my walk. No wrong way to meditate, hey? "I will attract the people and events and situations that will help me on my journey" ... I'm paraphrasing but that's the consciousness of the tape. So get this, at the end of class I explained that I can't come too often because I don't have a car (and 2 hr commute is tough) and Tara is loaning me her bike! OMG! I made a friend and got some wheels before noon today. How great is that?


+ Banana 


+ Portobello mushroom sandwich and 1/2 sweet potato
+ Seltzer water and herbal tea


+ VitC w/5% calcium, Resveratrol pills, B12


+ Aztec corn and bean soup
+ Black bean burger

Recipes from Happy Herbivore. I just got it and really like this cookbook. The soup is yummy and so good for you. Also enjoyed the black bean burger. I rarely fart (seriously) but also rarely ever eat beans. Tonight should be interesting.  

God Pod Maintenance

+ Dry Brushing
+ 8 hours sleep
+ Crest White strips


Survival (daily chores)
+ 0 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed
+ 1 load of laundry
+ Kitchen duty and dishes

Found out why I'm doing so much laundry. Tyler has been storing a bunch of it. We're all caught up now, he says. Emotionally, it's very trying living with people (husband too) who aren't as conscientious about waste and the environment. When I can't make a difference, sometimes I leave the room, but it still bothers me. It's very trying. I'll leave it at that. 

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Yoga was big win today. Good to reconnect with my peaceful warrior, talk to people and feel part of a community. Plus, I made a friend and have the awesome loan of a bicycle. How cool. 


I'm doing it. This isn't so hard. Normally, I'd be typing this with a glass of red wine next to me, but water is fine. In all honestly, water is all I really want. I think the wine was more ritual and symbolic of end of day, relax-y time. I don't actually miss it all that much. Wonder how husband is doing without it. 

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