Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 3 Cleanse

To Do's:

I felt uninspired to look at this list today, so I didn't. I'll carry the whole thing over to tomorrow. Also, I'll group it into chores that "cause me pain" and chores "I'd like to do". Maybe tackle some of the pain ones so they don't taint the whole list.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Find research report on one of my many thumb drives.
4. Make mani/pedi appt
5. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
6. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (one week of J boot camp?)
7. Book flight to NY for baby shower
8. Order gift for GL's baby shower -- Buy Buy Baby, Giggles,
9. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
10. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
11. Make massage appt 
12. Research lenders, options to refinance
13. Read news magazine - one hour
14. Clean spam off computer - one hour
15. Figure out internet set up here
16. Volunteer (with Tyler?) for something around here


Weight: 131.0 

Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon and pinch of cayenne
+ African Rooibos herbal tea (decaf!)
+ 20 minute meditation: Daily Dose with Kathy Freston

I hear something new every day in this guided meditation. I really appreciate the instruction for not only helping me get centered and connect w/ grace, but also the intention of mindfully altering my vibration to attract a higher energy field, meaning draw the people and circumstance to me that are meant to fulfill my highest destiny. It's a concept that's hard to consider on your own using your own small head.

Additionally, I love today's CSD prayer: "I am as free as I will let myself be". Ain't it the truth?


+ Green Guru Smoothie

Not as repugnant as I anticipated or remembered. A good pre-workout energy boost w/o weighing me down. Kris Carr was on The Revolution today making a different version of her green smoothie. I may try it tomorrow.


+ Leftover lentils and sauteed kale


+ VitC w/5% calcium, Resveratrol pills, B12 -- btw, these are just the supplements I've been taking. Not sure I'm going to continue on the C or resveratrol pills, although Shaklee has awesome although pricey resveratrol potion called Vivix that I trust and might start again, money willing. They also sell Vitalizer - super vitamin packs. I worked with them on a consulting project and came to trust their products and total proposition. Now that I don't get free product I guess I need to put my money where my mouth is.


+ Sweet potato, cauliflower mash and amaranth w cheddar cheesy sauce and Romaine salad. It was tasty and satisfying, but I over mashed the cauliflower by throwing it in my Vitamix. They didn't have a masher in this apartment. Next time, I'll stick with a fork.


+ Bowl of cherry tomatoes

Also, I indulged myself in "The Chew" today because I wanted a good seat to watch Kris Carr on "The Revolution", which comes on next. (That's me justifying why I'm watching TV vs. doing my To Dos or creating my life). Anyway, here's a fun fact they shared on The Chew: A researcher in the Carolinas found that we eat 570 more calories today than we did in the 70s. Theory is, we weren't so snack-obsessed in the 70s. We had 3 meals a day and ate them when we were hungry. Novel idea, yeah?


Today's marathon training called for 5 miles of hills. I've never trained with hills. Eight marathons under my belt, I've only ever run slow distance, no speedwork, nothing. (Tsk. Tsk.) I suspected that while hills will be a harder workout, it may take a little burden off my ailing parts. I'm still limping from hip to calf on the left. I got this how-to-do-hills suggestion off the Runner's World site:

Warm up on the treadmill at a zero incline. Then increase the incline by two levels every two minutes until you hit level 12. Run one to two minutes slower than your normal training pace. Descend in the same manner. 

I figured I would put the treadmill at 4.8 but I was in agony, limp-running two steps in. Rather than quit (I thought about it), I brought the pace down to 4.1. That's like a 14 and a half minute mile. My mom runs that. This idea made me feel terrible, but my higher mind interrupted the negative pattern: she's not injured! Stop judging yourself. Shit! You're on the treadmill for God's sake. Just do as much as you can do and all will be well. 

I climbed the hills according to the instruction above and honestly, it was way easier on my joints than running flat. I really enjoyed my workout and happy to have a good sweat watching the dolphins through the window.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Dry brush
+ 8 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)
+ 0 To-Dos, Ta Done (oh, the guilt! OK, I'm over it).
+ 1 load of laundry
+ Kitchen duty and dishes (this takes forever since I have to prepare sep dinners for stepson: tonight spaghetti and ground meat w/sauce. I made enough for leftovers so I don't have to do his "midnight meal" cleanup tomorrow. He sleeps all day and makes his own midnight meals, usually Mac-N-Cheese, but sometimes pasta and meat sauce which can be a splattery mess.)
+ Plan tomorrow's menu - I'm thinking noodles for lunch and maybe a fake chicken dinner. I hate to eat processed food, but I'm missing the "main" course. If I can find gluten-free bread, that'd help.

Creative (feeds my spirit)
+ Donated to Amnesty International


It's weird how stressed out I feel the second I wake up. Like I have a million things "to do" and need to get started. But do I really? When I just looked at my list, what's on there that is so hard? As "busy" as I am, how come they didn't get done? Is it that I'm wasting too much time on this blog? Working out? Making dinner? I'm taking time, but don't see it as wasting time. This journey is a good way to get honest with my life and give me more freedom to create it the way I'd like. Still, I feel like I "should be" doing more "important" things. Ah, the trap.

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