Saturday, February 18, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 13 Cleanse

To Dos:

Didn't even look at it today.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Read news magazine
6. Clean spam off computer - one hour
7. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
8. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
9. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (Intervention wk)
10. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
11. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?


Going up. Must be hormones. Whore moans. 

Upon Rising

+ Warm water w/pinch of cayenne and lemon

Running late for yoga, so skipped morning meditation. Figured I'd do it later, but totally forgot! 


+ Power Vinyasa (1 hr)

David is in town so I have his rental car. Drove beast of an SUV to class today. Happy not to have to hall ass by bike. Hip still hurts and I'm just being where I am with it. According to my calendar I'm supposed to run 10 miles today, but that just can't happen. It makes me sad, but I think I may have to find a different marathon later in the year to train for. I'm totally not a wimp or whiner, but I don't want to hurt myself. Plan right now is to yoga my way back to health and just be where I am and let that be OK.


+ Late-morning green drink after yoga then off for mani/pedi. Weirdly bummed to go. It was the first really nice day in a while and tomorrow calls for rain. Had to pinch myself out of my complaint. I'm bummed to finally be going for mani/pedi? Perspective restored.


+ Hummus and guacamole with Mary's Gone Crackers
+ Asparagus soup


B12, ChlorEssence (in green juice)


+ Homemade Ethiopian

God Pod Maintenance

+ Mani/pedi (purple nails)
+ 8.5 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 0 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

But alas, I still survived.

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Set up old broken computer to big TV and tricked it out with speakers to watch Netflix movies. Watched Shutter Island (again), just to test the connection of course ;)


I'm becoming more aware of the voice(s) in my head. I have my brain's Pandora set to the Optimism channel, but get regular interference of negative static. It's the static I'd like to do away with for good. I'm OK with having negative thoughts, provided they don't linger and make the rest of my mind fuzzy with the chatter. If I could sharpen the static to hear the real concern, I could simply acknowledge the thought and move on. The rest just weighs me down. 

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