Monday, February 6, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 1 Cleanse

With much gratitude for the opportunity, I am taking a spiritual retreat in North Myrtle Beach till end of March. By April, an evolved me will return to Manhattan transformed and inspired to be and do what I love: TBD.

I just read Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Diet. And now the cleanse. The goal of this cleanse and my new super-healthy lifestyle is not to fixate on food or exercise or being uber hot (although that last part is really cool). My intention is to discover -- over the next 21 days -- a new world, new direction, a clear future that'll light me up like God's last birthday cake.

Meditation is part of the program so I downloaded Kathy Freston's Daily Dose. Hey, look! She also has a 21-day cleanse, so I clicked a button and am reading that now on my iPad/Kindle app for double support. They both seem to have the same general rules for the cleanse. Give up the "Big Five":

1. caffeine
2. alcohol
3. gluten
4. animal products
5. sugar

My journey to become healthier in body, mind and spirit begins.

Day One, here we go -

To Do's: 

1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Email New Haven Docs to David (done)
4. Send $40 to bro for superbowl squares
5. Make mani/pedi appt
6. Make GYN appt (done)
7. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
8. Help Tyler write thank you to his grandma(s) for gifts
9. Download credit card statement into Quicken and balance
10. Change protective screen on iPhone
11. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
12. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
13. Make massage appt


Weight: 131.2
Chest: 32
Waist: 28.5
Butt: 38.5
Rt Bicep: 10
Rt Forearm: 8
Rt (mid) Thigh: 18.5 (22 at widest part)
Rt calf: 13.75

Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon and pinch of cayenne
+ Green tea
+ 20 minute meditation: Daily Dose with Kathy Freston


+ Green juice (yuck. couple mint leaves help)


+ Ethiopian leftovers (yum! I want to learn to make injera)


 + Leftover green juice (added two tsp Green Lightning powder)


+ VitC w/5% calcium, Resveratrol pills, B12


+ Post-workout smoothie (banana, almond milk, blueberries, bit of kiwi and strawberry, maca powder, acai powder and flaxseed).

+ Bowl of spinach salad (spinach, green onion, hemp seeds, walnuts, tomatoes, avocado, alfalfa sprouts, red wine vinegar, splash of lemon and flaxseed oil).

+ Popcorn w/nutritional yeast and Earth Balance for movie night (shark week on DVD)


Supposed to run 6 miles today to train for my next marathon (Pocono Mountains on 5/20), but my leg is still bumming me out since last week's marathon in Miami. Instead of re-injuring myself w a run, I did an hour on the elliptical.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Dry brushing
+ Crest white strips
+ 8 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)
+ 2 To-Dos, Ta Done
+ Load of laundry
+ Last night's dishes
+ Updated iPhone software

Creative (my design)
+ Organized myself for the cleanse


I anticipate that my biggest bummer on this cleanse will be forgoing my nightly wine (ok, wines). So far so good. Well, it's only been one day. I drank like a fish last night for a last hoorah.

Also, this is my first time gluten-free. I will miss bread. I'm going to have to walk to store (no car) within a week or so to pick some up. It gets confusing. I found some gluten-free bread in a gluten-free section at Walmart yesterday, but it had eggs, so not vegan. You really have to pay attention! That's ok. It's the whole point, I guess.

Physically (except for bum running leg) and emotionally, I'm feeling just fine. Actually, no. I'm feeling groovy.

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