Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 10 Cleanse

To Dos:

Delightful weather today. Crossed off a few to-dos while getting some Vit D from my outdoor office. Green drink made it perfect. A few dolphins would've rocked. They're always out there. Maybe I'll see some tomorrow. 

Cause Me "Pain"
1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler (done)
3. Find job I love 
4. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
5. Research lenders, options to refinance
6. Read news magazine - one hour
7. Clean spam off computer - one hour
8. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
9. Complete insurance application (Cigna) - in progress
10. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor (Oxford)
Inspire Me
1. Make mani/pedi appt (done)
2. Make massage appt

3. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (Intervention week)
4. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
5. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
6. Donate to Kevin's film project (complete for now. I need to get job)

7. Make colon hydrotherapy appt (done)



Upon Rising

+ 20 min guided meditation


Supposed to run 6 Tempo today. I am afraid of re-injuring myself so I hopped on my bike and headed off to yoga. I will consider running tomorrow, but also want to do yoga.  

+ Power Vinyasa
+ Bike 5 miles r/t to yoga


+ Skipped it. Running late for yoga and not feeling particularly hungry.


+ Green Juice (not War) with a tsp of ChlorEssence by wine glass :)

+ Little guacamole with 4 or 5 Mary's Gone Crackers (vegan, dairy free, good!)

rest of lunch around 3:00

+ Eggplant dish and side of beans and rice


B12, ChlorEssence (in juice)


+ Spinach salad with side of roasted sweet potato
+ Seltzer water with splash of pomegranate, blueberry juice

God Pod Maintenance

+ Dry brushing
+ 7-8 hours sleep last night

Tyler was up from 2-4 in the kitchen cooking pasta and watching TV. I tossed around a bit and tried to fall back to sleep w/pillow on my head. Tonight I made roasted chicken for him with plenty of leftovers so he can make himself some sandwiches. No pots tonight, please!


Survival (daily chores)

+ 5 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed
+ Kitchen duty and dishes

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Didn't tackle injera bread. Indulged in sunshine today and that made everything alright. 


I'm noticing crazy energy without feeling hungry or tired. The fact that I had green juice to kick off lunch and felt happy and not deprived is mind-boggling. I know I'm only half-way in, but it doesn't feel like a cleanse anymore. It feels like a lifestyle. There are definitely aspects of this cleanse I'm going to continue. I think Green Smoothies and juice fasting once a week are likely to stick around. We'll see about the colonics. I made my appointment for April 14th when I'm back in New York.

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