Sunday, February 26, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 21 Cleanse

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.......21! 

I made it. 

David came home from grocery shopping and presented me with a family-sized bottle of cabernet sauvignon. I cussed him out. Saboteur! I don't plan to drink it this week. I don't need it. I'll wait till I really want it and then, well, looks like I'll be pounding a gallon of red on my own. What's the point, really?

My mom Skyped me today and immediately commented how white my teeth look compared to her purple choppers. What is wrong with my family?! It is possible to live without the hooch, but we're not all that compelled to try. Anyway, I'm happy about my white teeth at least for the time being.

To Dos:

1. File claim with OZ
I'll deal with the OZ claim next weekend in NYC when I have all the info.

2. Create job I love 
Tricky. I need to work to help put Tyler through his independent-living training program, but alas, what to do what to do? My vision (not declaration yet) is to crank on my book. Just crank like I'm on deadline and see what doors open next. If I decide to make it a declaration, I'll start March 1st.

3. Research lenders, options to refinance
Tricky. I need a job to refinance. And I may need to pull out all of my equity so I can help put Tyler through school. Such a bummer! I'm putting it off until I absolutely have to do this. 

4. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
This week. Really.

5. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
Monday after yoga.

6. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
Will investigate and pin on Pinterest as I find cool kits; order when I'm sure.



Exercise (body and spirit)
+ 1.5 mile sprint and strength training

I watched this video before my workout for inspiration. Elizabeth Hasselbeck's trainer Pat Manocchia wrote a book called, Anatomy of Strength Training. From what I can tell it's a combination of lunges, push-ups, deadlifts, ab wheel and chin ups. 

Here's what a workout with him looks like, 45 minutes non-stop:

a) Quarter mile sprint (10.5 on treadmill; 5:43 - OMG!) x 6 = 1.5 miles
b) walking with rotation lunges
c) hand walkover pushups
d) straight leg with barbell deadlifts
e) horizontal body row chin-ups
f) torso flexion
g) plows on physio ball
h) backwards towel slides
i) pushups on one leg
j) straight leg with kettlebell deadlifts
k) pull-ups
l) v-ups with physio ball
m) single arm chin-ups
n) push ups on dumbbells with rotation
o) push ups on dumbbells
p) plows with rotation
q) kettlebell pullovers
r) deadlifts with cables
s) pec flies with cables
t) full deadlifts with cables

I did an hour at the gym. Started with quarter mile sprints at (6.5 treadmill) 9:14/mi for 1.5 miles. My hip didn't kill me. I think I'll keep up with this warmup and try to push my speed. I finished my workout with:

- lunges
- ab work
- push ups
- deadlifts
- circuit machines


+ Sweet Green Smoothie

1 c water
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 banana
1 pear
2 cups frozen spinach
3 dates
Flaxseed (looks like 1/4 c or so)
Run blender on high 1 minute. 


+ Brendan Braizer recovery drink after workout


B12, Chlorella (green drink), maca (sweet green drink); I finally bought a multi, which I'll take tomorrow


+ Green Juice Not War - kale, etc.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Exfoliate face
+ Hottub
+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ All To-Dos to be continued, finished and morphed into new actions. Complete.

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Chatted with mom on Skype and bragged and showed off my smaller size. Moms are great for letting you ramble and be arrogant and giving you applause when you really want it.


I'm not completing 21 days. I'm starting the rest of it. Next I'm planning to focus on fashion and career. I feel I've pushed myself a little higher and I'll be building from here. I can do this!

I plan to download another guided meditation and keep that up too.

Can't wait to take my final measurements tomorrow and see how I did.

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