Friday, February 24, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 19 Cleanse

To Dos:

Plan today was to write Linked-In reccos. This was before I knew that Kris Carr's plan for me today is to write a letter to my future self. She thinks of it as a fun, creative project. I see it as a chore. Probably because I don't think I have much control of my future vis-a-vis kids and family. I'll know in a year or so. But at age 44, I think I could be setting myself up for some pain to dream the big dream. I'll take a stab at the assignment, even though I kind of hate it.

Dear Julia 54, 

I'll make this letter short because I don't want to write it. Plus, you're so far out of my league, I only hope you will indulge me a few lines. 

Hold on a sec. This doesn't make any sense. How can I write to her? Wouldn't she have to write to me since she's the one who is living the future that I have yet to see? Let me reread those directions.

OK, yeah. I'm supposed to start from her POV. 

Dear Julia 44, 

You'll never believe what happened! Our book, "Baby Wait: A Woman's Guide for Baby After 40 and Other Lessons from a Parallel Uterus" is a smashing success; NYT bestseller even, helping so many women! 

I can barely keep up with the tour and book signings. Of course, we did have the baby. Actually, we had two! They're terribly creative, I often wonder where they came from. Definitely old souls. Me and David learn from them every day. 

Listen. You keep trying to find yourself and legitimize your writing. You're legit. Trust me. If you could only hear from the women who stop me every day for advice on account of your accessible, insightful manual, you'd move a lot faster to finish it. Get going girl. The world needs your voice!

P.S., We still live on the ocean. It was never temporary. Enjoy! 

Julia 54

Hmmph. That was easy. And I liked what future me had to say. Thanks Julia 54 ;)

As for the rest of it, I'll get at least half this list cleared off this weekend before my cleanse comes to an official end.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
6. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
7. Order wheat grass kit for NYC


OK, gotta be honest. This is weight loss is making me very happy. 

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ 20 minute guided meditation
+ Power Yoga (2 hour workshop)

My meditations are going wild. I saw myself living Jennifer Aniston's life today -- hot body, yoga, nice home with a pool, etc. OK, Universe. Manifest that! 

Yoga today was lead by Yogi J, an awesome traveling yogi. The focus of our practice was to "be light," which felt great seeing as I'm shedding weight and feel light. It was a celebration of sorts for me.

Yogi J is a masterful martial artist. We just connected on Facebook. I'll try to learn more about him and copy the things that make him awesome. What I like about him is that he does the same thing. He said he's never intimidated when he sees something new -- an impossible-looking yoga posture, for example. He's more like, "show me!" That's exactly how I am. Here we are flying in class today:

Tara taped it and is pulling together a video. Can't wait to see it! 


+ Green Juice Not War (kale, cucumber, romaine, celery, pear, ginger)


+ Rest of Aztec corn soup
+ Potato leek soup


B12, Chlorella (green drink)


+ Popcorn
+ Corn on the cob
+ 3 thin fig newton blueberry cookies with Roobios tea

God Pod Maintenance

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed (counting today's Crazy Sexy assignment)

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Made vegetable broth and two soups, asparagus and leek. Listening to the ocean crash into the shore as I'm writing this. So healing. I anticipate deep sleep and creative dreaming.


Haven't spoken to David today. I don't like this energy between us. It'll blow over soon enough, so long as I don't address the issue and we can pretend everything is cool. Doubt I'll figure this one out during "The Cleanse", but I'm working on it. I'm open to an insight. I'm also open to new friends and mentors to show up in my life right now to help me to the next level of my growth.

Lately, I love being part of a community -- albeit temporary. I'm going to need to find something like Carolina Power Yoga in NY to plug into when I go back. I may need to make new friends. I have a very small circle of friends who get me. Not sure I have enough to actually form a circle. That's fine. People change and I sure have so it's time to socially refresh.

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