Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 2 Cleanse

To Do's: 

"To Do's" are not officially part of the cleanse, but life goes on even when you green juice. It's a good way for me to really look at my life and get a handle on my priorities before I put work back into the equation.

Today's list is yesterday's list with Ta-Done's removed and a few new ones. It keeps getting longer when I think about what needs to go on it. I want to cherry pick the fun ones, but they're not always the highest priority. Sure would be nice to bedazzle my cellphone, though. Today I picked a few high-ish priority jobs plus some easy ones. Feels like I did a lot more, but not sure what. Sometimes my ego gets all Type A on me and wants more. My soul is fine with what I've done.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Review application for student grant for Tyler
3. Send $40 to bro for superbowl squares (done)
4. Make mani/pedi appt
5. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
6. Help Tyler write thank you to his grandma(s) for gifts (Complete. He doesn't want to say thank you)
7. Download credit card statement into Quicken and balance (done)
8. Change protective screen on iPhone (done)
9. Bedazzle the case for my phone (OK, low priority, but fun!)
10. Order wheat grass kit - can I get mail here?
11. Make massage appt 
12. Research lenders, options to refinance
13. Read news magazine - one hour
14. Clean spam off computer - one hour
15. Write addendum update to Tyler Profile for CH (done)
16. Figure out internet set up here
17. Order gift for GL's baby shower -- Buy Buy Baby, Giggles, diapers.com
18. Book flight to NY for baby shower
19. Figure out when Jenny's b-day is and send card (Learned it's 2/26. I have time)
20. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (one week of J boot camp?)
21. Find research report on one of my many thumb drives.
22. Volunteer (with Tyler?) for something around here


Weight: 132.0 

Upon Rising

+ Warm water with lemon and pinch of cayenne
+ Green tea
+ 20 minute meditation: Daily Dose with Kathy Freston

My meditation today took me to a busy "office" that I own and run out of my beach house. It's early morning; bright. We're putting in power hours. Passionately getting it done and calling it a day when it's time to put it down. Yoga anyone?

I'm not mired in the details. I'm Queen Bee. My staff is all female. I treat them as friends, because they are. We are thriving. I am not clear what the projects are that we are working on, but the cash flow and demand is there. We are committed to making a difference in the world. My company exists to give back, even if only 10% (of a lot). I can't wait to figure out what I'm meant to do!


+ Green Guru Smoothie (avocado in a smoothie? OK. yum. then yuck. I'm over it)


+ Homemade asparagus soup (oye, more green. but yummy!)

+ Spinach salad w/ side of lentils and sauteed kale


+ VitC w/5% calcium, Resveratrol pills, B12 (lunchtime)


+ A few of Tyler's french fries. I had to make his dinner first, and well....

+ Gluten-free corn-quinoa pasta w/ cheese sauce from Happy Herbivore (comfort food!)

I've been meaning to make this and I had all the ingredients. You can watch the Happy Herbivore (Lindsay Nixon) make it herself. I played her podcast on my iPad and made it with her in real time (pause button helps). http://happyherbivore.com/video/

So quick. So good! I feel guilty eating it. All this cheese! But alas, dare i say it's sort of healthy.


+ Nothing. Couple seltzer waters. No urge.


Today is a marathon XT (cross train) day. I woke up still hobbling.The pain in my left leg just keeps moving around from knee to hip to calf and then everywhere all at once. If I were a horse, they'd put me down, which is terrible because I know I will recover. I'm thinking I should swim or do strength training because I don't do enough of either. 

I ended up doing my Tracy Anderson Mat workout video. A little strength. A little stretch. It's been awhile since I did it. I used to work out to her every day when I lived in Los Angeles. It's tougher than I remember. Or perhaps I'm weaker than I think.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Crest white strips
+ 7 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)
+ 6 To-Dos, Ta Done
+ 4 loads of laundry incl bedding
+ Kitchen duty and dishes

Creative (my design)
+ Messed around with this blog post; kept a running tally of my day. Kind of fun! 


Kris warns that on Day 2 we might feel a little cranky. And I did. I think it's because this is my second morning of "green juice" for breakfast and I can't get over the fact that I'm drinking salad. I feel a little cheated out of a meal. I don't want to cave in and make pancakes or oatmeal because I feel like, as a lover of vegetables, there has got to be a green drink out there that I will love and will want to make every day after this cleanse. I saw a different version of one on a VegTV podcast. I'll have to give it a try.

More re: crankiness. I started on my To Do list early and found myself trying to handle as much of it as I could in record speed. By all accounts, I was productive, but I noticed my stress level rising (esp when husband was being difficult in back and forth emails). I know in the "real world" one doesn't get to spend all one's time on the beach (or do they?), so I'm happy for the opportunity to notice when my blood starts to boil in order to build in some strategies for it when I go back to NYC.

What else annoys me? Caffeine. I'm happy to give it up for this cleanse Kathy Freston, but Kris Carr had me believe I can drink it (green tea). Fine. No caffeine starting tomorrow. I have a can of African rooibos herbal tea that is a million times better, anyway.

I turned my mood around after my workout. I felt accomplished and had a real dinner to look forward to. It's almost bedtime and I'm feeling satiated and satisfied. I didn't even have time to finish my second green juice. If it's not too gross as leftovers tomorrow, I'll give it another try. I'm one of those people who'd rather barf than waste. We'll see.

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