Monday, February 27, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: 21- Day Adventure Cleanse Results

Hooray! I lost four pounds and 2.5 inches all around on this cleanse! 

I wouldn't have believed it going in, mostly because I keep thinking that I do everything pretty much great already. Sure, a few glasses of wine every night. And who doesn't love their coffee? But really, I had a lot to learn. No wine = no cravings for chocolate and sweets. There's a connection. No gluten, well now that was just bullshit. I know I'm not allergic. I will admit that cutting it out meant I had to find more creative ideas for bread. Most of the gluten-free bread I found contained eggs! WTF! Upside is I discovered that I don't hate wraps, after all.

Anyway, here're my stats:

Weight: 131.2 to 127.2 = 4 pounds down
Chest: 32 to 31 = 1" down (oh, well. you can't have everything)
Waist: 28.5 to 26 = 2.5" down 
Butt: 38.5 to 36 = 2.5" down
Rt Bicep: 10 (don't recall how I measured this. Still 10, or 10.5 if I flex!)
Rt Forearm: 8 (same). Wasn't expecting a big change here. Still hung like a noodle.
Rt Thigh at widest part: 22 to 20 = 2" down

Rt calf: 13.75 to 13.25 (wow! I actually lost half an inch in my calf! who knew?)

A few words of advice from my girl Marie Forleo moving forward. Know your NNTs (non-negotiable time) which are just that; you just do them. Her's are daily meditation, green drink and exercise. I'm right there with ya sista! Also, she says it takes 66 days (not 21!) to create a new habit. 

I'm going to keep the bones of my "cleanse" together till it becomes second nature. Meditation is still a chore. I don't feel the immediate pay off as I might with yoga or green drink. Also, I'm not a big cushion-sitting type person. I may mix it up with 20 minutes of Zohar (Kabbalah) scanning when I get back to NYC. That did help me in the past. I love the guided meditations I've been doing with Kathy Freston, but they don't feel unique enough to do them daily. I just downloaded another Kathy Freston one on Abundance, but it's essentially the same one I've been doing for my daily meditation. And I'm out 10 bucks.

Saw this sorbet on The Doctors today. Looks genius! I've got to try it out:

Rocco DiSpirito’s Instant Strawberry Soft Serve 

Make a sweet, frozen treat at home with celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito’s five-minute strawberry soft serve recipe. Makes: Four 4 oz desserts 

Per serving: 55 calories, .2 g fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 3 mg sodium, 14 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 0 g protein. 

Prep time: 2 minutes, processing time: 1 minute

● 2 tsp stevia (6 packets Stevia In The Raw) 
● 1/2 tsp xanthan gum 
● 1 tbsp water 
● 1 1/2 tbsp lemon juice 
● 2 tbsp raw agave nectar 
● 2 cups frozen, no-sugar-added strawberries 

1. Mix the stevia and xanthan together in a small mixing bowl and set aside.  
2. Add water, lemon juice and agave in a blender and turn blender on and process on low. 
Add the stevia/xanthan mixture to the blender and process on low until the mixture well 
combined, about 10 seconds.
3. Turn off blender, add the strawberries then turn the blender on high while pushing the 
strawberries down into the blade until smooth but still frozen, about 5 to 10 seconds. 
4. Spoon out into paper cups or chilled bowls and serve immediately. If covered tightly, it may be stored in the freezer for two days. If it is too hard after holding, simply put in the microwave on high for 10 seconds to loosen just enough to scoop.

1. Put the canister of the blender in the freezer before you make this recipe to help combat the heat generated during blending. This will help keep your ice nice and frozen.  
2. If you desire a rich ice cream-like product then add 1 tbsp of fat free milk powder for an 
additional 30 calories and 3 grams of protein. 

Source: Rocco DiSpirito

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 21 Cleanse

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.......21! 

I made it. 

David came home from grocery shopping and presented me with a family-sized bottle of cabernet sauvignon. I cussed him out. Saboteur! I don't plan to drink it this week. I don't need it. I'll wait till I really want it and then, well, looks like I'll be pounding a gallon of red on my own. What's the point, really?

My mom Skyped me today and immediately commented how white my teeth look compared to her purple choppers. What is wrong with my family?! It is possible to live without the hooch, but we're not all that compelled to try. Anyway, I'm happy about my white teeth at least for the time being.

To Dos:

1. File claim with OZ
I'll deal with the OZ claim next weekend in NYC when I have all the info.

2. Create job I love 
Tricky. I need to work to help put Tyler through his independent-living training program, but alas, what to do what to do? My vision (not declaration yet) is to crank on my book. Just crank like I'm on deadline and see what doors open next. If I decide to make it a declaration, I'll start March 1st.

3. Research lenders, options to refinance
Tricky. I need a job to refinance. And I may need to pull out all of my equity so I can help put Tyler through school. Such a bummer! I'm putting it off until I absolutely have to do this. 

4. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
This week. Really.

5. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
Monday after yoga.

6. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
Will investigate and pin on Pinterest as I find cool kits; order when I'm sure.



Exercise (body and spirit)
+ 1.5 mile sprint and strength training

I watched this video before my workout for inspiration. Elizabeth Hasselbeck's trainer Pat Manocchia wrote a book called, Anatomy of Strength Training. From what I can tell it's a combination of lunges, push-ups, deadlifts, ab wheel and chin ups. 

Here's what a workout with him looks like, 45 minutes non-stop:

a) Quarter mile sprint (10.5 on treadmill; 5:43 - OMG!) x 6 = 1.5 miles
b) walking with rotation lunges
c) hand walkover pushups
d) straight leg with barbell deadlifts
e) horizontal body row chin-ups
f) torso flexion
g) plows on physio ball
h) backwards towel slides
i) pushups on one leg
j) straight leg with kettlebell deadlifts
k) pull-ups
l) v-ups with physio ball
m) single arm chin-ups
n) push ups on dumbbells with rotation
o) push ups on dumbbells
p) plows with rotation
q) kettlebell pullovers
r) deadlifts with cables
s) pec flies with cables
t) full deadlifts with cables

I did an hour at the gym. Started with quarter mile sprints at (6.5 treadmill) 9:14/mi for 1.5 miles. My hip didn't kill me. I think I'll keep up with this warmup and try to push my speed. I finished my workout with:

- lunges
- ab work
- push ups
- deadlifts
- circuit machines


+ Sweet Green Smoothie

1 c water
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 banana
1 pear
2 cups frozen spinach
3 dates
Flaxseed (looks like 1/4 c or so)
Run blender on high 1 minute. 


+ Brendan Braizer recovery drink after workout


B12, Chlorella (green drink), maca (sweet green drink); I finally bought a multi, which I'll take tomorrow


+ Green Juice Not War - kale, etc.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Exfoliate face
+ Hottub
+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ All To-Dos to be continued, finished and morphed into new actions. Complete.

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Chatted with mom on Skype and bragged and showed off my smaller size. Moms are great for letting you ramble and be arrogant and giving you applause when you really want it.


I'm not completing 21 days. I'm starting the rest of it. Next I'm planning to focus on fashion and career. I feel I've pushed myself a little higher and I'll be building from here. I can do this!

I plan to download another guided meditation and keep that up too.

Can't wait to take my final measurements tomorrow and see how I did.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 20 Cleanse

To Dos:

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa (done)
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
6. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
7. Order wheat grass kit for NYC


Melissa was an integral part of our team, perfectly comfortably and capable in all aspects of research design and analysis — qual, quant, ethnographic, secondary, etc. She absolutely shined in her contribution to the design and execution of innovative, haven’t-done-that-before kinds of studies.

As our resident public health expert, we relied on her guidance to understand and meet strict protocols required by our clients including the CDC and NIH. Melissa is a passionate self-starter with high standards and a commitment to produce extraordinary results. My fondest memories of Melissa are of her can-do energy. She attacked each and every challenge head on, never cutting corners and always delighting clients.


If the title existed, Diana would be Head Agency Chameleon. Driven by a natural curiosity and inherent confidence and fearlessness to poke in her head and ask if she can help, Diana has seen it all and knows how to pull the ropes to make things go -- what to do, who to call, what happens next and when -- in whatever project du jour.

Whenever she'd lend a hand in strategic planning, she always brought a creative sensibility to her assignments that raised the quality of output to something rather special: thoughtful, thorough, and even a little magical. There's no mistaking her touch. Diana is the consumate professional with clients, cool as a cucumber under pressure and a great addition to any team.

OK, that wasn't so hard. It's only been on my to-do list for six months. I also have a request from way back to check out what Alice has been up to/recco in kind. God, I can't let these things sit so long! Then I not only need to write a recco, I have to apologize for being such a jerk. 


What the ?

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ 20 minute guided meditation in the hot tub! 

Decided to skip yoga today in favor of some weight/strength training in the gym. Then the day got away from me (I went shopping for smaller jeans at Tanger outlet mall) and well, that workout didn't happen. I usually take Sundays off, but figure I can get a weight-training session in tomorrow morning.


+ Sweet Green Smoothie

1 c water
1/2 c non-dairy milk
1 banana
1 pear
2 cups frozen spinach
3 dates
Flaxseed (looks like 1/4 c or so)
Run blender on high 1 minute. 


+ Amy's enchilada 
+ Baked onion rings (not so great)


B12, Chlorella (green drink)


+ Chinese takeout: tofu, veggie Hunan sauce and spring roll.

Spring roll was fried, but it's Saturday night and I'm wanting something "bad". Tomorrow is a juice fast day, so I feel like I can do it and not be too sorry on Monday. Right now, I'm stuffed. 

God Pod Maintenance

+ 8.5 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

+ New pants purchased -- sale jeans and stylin' (discount) shorts and capris 

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Talked to my dad tonight. I always talk to him. Still, it's nice to appreciate that our conversations do feed my spirit and I'm glad to have him in my life. He shared with me that my three nephews all qualified for State in wrestling. Jacob (9) came in first in his division, Matt (11) came in third and Luke (12) who never qualifies, qualified in 4th place! Let's celebrate!


If I were allowed to have wine I would've had some tonight. It's Saturday and I wanted to break loose a little. Hell, what do I do for fun anymore? I mean, non-goodie-two-shoes type fun? When I go back to New York, what will I do on Saturday nights? David likes to watch his hockey, so I'm pretty much on my own. Going out with the girls generally involves 2-3 glasses of wine, minimum. Maybe I'll make Saturday my social night where I allow myself some alcohol and I'll continue to restrict the rest of the week and I'll continue to fast on Sundays. I'm a little leery about ending this cleanse without some form of structure in place like that because I was pretty undisciplined in the wine department up through a few weeks ago. A couple glasses lead to chocolate and mindless noshing and next-day regret. OK, so for now, I say Saturdays I drink.....if I so choose.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 19 Cleanse

To Dos:

Plan today was to write Linked-In reccos. This was before I knew that Kris Carr's plan for me today is to write a letter to my future self. She thinks of it as a fun, creative project. I see it as a chore. Probably because I don't think I have much control of my future vis-a-vis kids and family. I'll know in a year or so. But at age 44, I think I could be setting myself up for some pain to dream the big dream. I'll take a stab at the assignment, even though I kind of hate it.

Dear Julia 54, 

I'll make this letter short because I don't want to write it. Plus, you're so far out of my league, I only hope you will indulge me a few lines. 

Hold on a sec. This doesn't make any sense. How can I write to her? Wouldn't she have to write to me since she's the one who is living the future that I have yet to see? Let me reread those directions.

OK, yeah. I'm supposed to start from her POV. 

Dear Julia 44, 

You'll never believe what happened! Our book, "Baby Wait: A Woman's Guide for Baby After 40 and Other Lessons from a Parallel Uterus" is a smashing success; NYT bestseller even, helping so many women! 

I can barely keep up with the tour and book signings. Of course, we did have the baby. Actually, we had two! They're terribly creative, I often wonder where they came from. Definitely old souls. Me and David learn from them every day. 

Listen. You keep trying to find yourself and legitimize your writing. You're legit. Trust me. If you could only hear from the women who stop me every day for advice on account of your accessible, insightful manual, you'd move a lot faster to finish it. Get going girl. The world needs your voice!

P.S., We still live on the ocean. It was never temporary. Enjoy! 

Julia 54

Hmmph. That was easy. And I liked what future me had to say. Thanks Julia 54 ;)

As for the rest of it, I'll get at least half this list cleared off this weekend before my cleanse comes to an official end.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
6. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
7. Order wheat grass kit for NYC


OK, gotta be honest. This is weight loss is making me very happy. 

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ 20 minute guided meditation
+ Power Yoga (2 hour workshop)

My meditations are going wild. I saw myself living Jennifer Aniston's life today -- hot body, yoga, nice home with a pool, etc. OK, Universe. Manifest that! 

Yoga today was lead by Yogi J, an awesome traveling yogi. The focus of our practice was to "be light," which felt great seeing as I'm shedding weight and feel light. It was a celebration of sorts for me.

Yogi J is a masterful martial artist. We just connected on Facebook. I'll try to learn more about him and copy the things that make him awesome. What I like about him is that he does the same thing. He said he's never intimidated when he sees something new -- an impossible-looking yoga posture, for example. He's more like, "show me!" That's exactly how I am. Here we are flying in class today:

Tara taped it and is pulling together a video. Can't wait to see it! 


+ Green Juice Not War (kale, cucumber, romaine, celery, pear, ginger)


+ Rest of Aztec corn soup
+ Potato leek soup


B12, Chlorella (green drink)


+ Popcorn
+ Corn on the cob
+ 3 thin fig newton blueberry cookies with Roobios tea

God Pod Maintenance

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed (counting today's Crazy Sexy assignment)

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Made vegetable broth and two soups, asparagus and leek. Listening to the ocean crash into the shore as I'm writing this. So healing. I anticipate deep sleep and creative dreaming.


Haven't spoken to David today. I don't like this energy between us. It'll blow over soon enough, so long as I don't address the issue and we can pretend everything is cool. Doubt I'll figure this one out during "The Cleanse", but I'm working on it. I'm open to an insight. I'm also open to new friends and mentors to show up in my life right now to help me to the next level of my growth.

Lately, I love being part of a community -- albeit temporary. I'm going to need to find something like Carolina Power Yoga in NY to plug into when I go back. I may need to make new friends. I have a very small circle of friends who get me. Not sure I have enough to actually form a circle. That's fine. People change and I sure have so it's time to socially refresh.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 18 Cleanse

To Dos:

Well, I started the damn OZ claim. I think the reason it's been on my list so long is that David took it for his list and then sat on it for six months. I could've had this thing filled out last July. In fact, I did, since David asked me for all of the details to fill it out back then, which I emailed to him -- only to find he never did anything with it and has since deleted the email. I will prob have to wait till I go to NYC for G's baby shower before I can re-look up all the info to complete this task. I hear myself complaining and I don't like it and promise I'll get off it. I'm just being honest with myself why some of these things are taking me so long. I've been putting off the emotional toll, but I guess I'll have to pay it some time. I can't let this sit anymore though or else I'll have to pay the toll again.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
6. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
7. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
8. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
9. Write recco for Carolina Power Yoga (done - how's this?)

This is such a great studio! While I'm only in town a short while, how wonderful to be so quickly embraced by Tara and her yoga students as part of this lovely community! Gorgeous calming atmosphere, personal attention, asanas and contemplations that'll hold you in your peace place all day long. A little CPY goes a long way to help you vinyasa through whatever life happens to throw your way. Tara is a terrific instructor and my experience here has been nothing short of yogasmic! Highly recommend! 

I'll tackle the Linked-In reccos tomorrow. They've been on my list a long time now and Melissa and Diana probably think I'm a big jerk. I actually started them some time ago. I just need to find them and finish. 

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ Power Yoga (1 hour)
+ 4 miles

I am bursting with energy. No caffeine or anything. Just ... oozing energy. So, this afternoon I figured I'd try out the old treadmill to see if my hip was going to cause me major grief. I put it on a 2.0 incline to take a little edge off. I ran the first 2.5 miles at 11:30 pace and when that didn't kill me, I ran the last 1.5 miles at 10:55 (I think that's right; 5.5 on treadmill). Not fast, no, but surprisingly faster than I thought I could run without pain. 

+ Brendan Braizer recovery drink (lemon, lime, dates, coconut water, agave, dulce, maca)


+ Green Juice Not War (spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, 2 mint leaves, romaine, ginger, 2500 mg Chlorella)


+ Asparagus soup
+ Hummus and crackers


B12, Chlorella (green drink) and maca (recovery drink)


+ Aztec corn soup (Happy Herbivore) which includes quinoa, corn and beans

God Pod Maintenance

+ Neti pot

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 1 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Assignment today is to create a vision board. I have mine started on Pinterest, a new social networking site -- fast-growing and soon to be all the rage. I pinned a picture of Trinny and Susannah on my "My Style" board. I'm excited to start thinking about fashion once I slim down to whatever stopping point I reach with this cleanse. 


Still seriously annoyed with dear husband for all the reasons I listed yesterday. I'm not carrying over my grudge from yesterday. I don't like to do that. But today is a new day, and I'm dealing with the same crap. 

I just keep focusing on my own self improvement, but that's only going to take me so far. If we don't start growing together, well, what's the point? 

I didn't meditate again. Since the intention of the guided meditation is to 'be the best me I can be today,' I never feel motivated to do it in the afternoon or evening. I just have to try to wake up earlier to do it before I go to yoga. Speaking of, tomorrow is a two-hour workshop. I should make a point to eat something beforehand, too. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet: Day 17 Cleanse

To Dos:

Some of these things never leave my list since they can never really be "completed" (a la keep up on the news). I'm going to take them off so I can focus on the stuff I really need to get done. Also, after talking with my mom it occurred to me that if people want to change, they'll ask for my help. I can't be offering interventions and expecting great results. I should know this by now. Husband is still the same guy I married. OMG, I've got to file that friggin claim with OZ, already.

1. File claim with OZ
2. Create job I love 
3. Write Linked-In recco for Diana and Melissa
4. Research lenders, options to refinance
5. Read news magazine (ongoing)
6. Clean spam off computer (ongoing)
7. Clean off iPad video; make room for new downloads
8. Send in claim for Tyler's doctor visit (Oxford)
9. Offer to help Nancy with quick, healthy meal plan for family (complete)
10. Order wheat grass kit for NYC
11. Write recco for CPY

Exercise (body and spirit) 

+ Power Yoga (1 hour)
+ Guided meditation (20 min)

Doing a meditation before or after yoga feels redundant. Even so, I let it slip over the past few days and want to put the practice back in during this cleanse. Today's weather was splendid. I meditated on the balcony facing the ocean while soaking in the rays. I saw myself speaking in the career that I'm creating for myself. I've never liked giving presentations, but my jobs have always required it. In my vision of my future self, it would seem that I like these speaking gigs and being the keynote on topics (TBD) that I actually care about.


+ Green Juice Not War (spinach, cucumber, celery, apple, 2 mint leaves, romaine, ginger, 2500 mg Chlorella)


+ Potato leek soup
+ Wrap

Gluten-free millet flax tortilla, sauteed mushrooms, onions and red pepper, avocado, tomato, hummus, mustard and sprouts.


B12, Chlorella, fiber pills 


+ Gardein chicken (processed, but a rare treat), spinach, steamed broccoli and lentils.

God Pod Maintenance

+ Neti pot -- finally! David brought my pot up from NYC and I got the solution at Walmart the other day.

+ 9 hours sleep last night


Survival (daily chores)

+ 3 To-Dos, Ta Done or Removed

Creative (feeds my spirit)

Shopping at Marshalls. Bought a few new pairs of yoga pants. 


I'm seriously annoyed with dear husband. He's cheating on his plan, which is fine. I'm not the boss of him. But he's also taken to lying to me about it. What's up with the lies? What's up with my karma that I attract so many liars? Can't stand it. So long as this goes on, we'll live separate lives that overlap around chores and junk. It stresses me out to be married. I don't see the point. Easier to be single because on days like today if he were to ask me out on a date, I'd say no. I gotta wash my hair and read a book or something. Oh, and I don't date liars, liar. Yeah, yeah, I still love him. Just tired of being taken for a fool.