Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

I decided to make blueberry pancakes today since I have a 12-mile training run on the calendar. I ran 8 yesterday -- took it pretty slow -- and felt good, although I have to say I was out like a light by 10pm after watching the Kardashian marathon. (Kim. Why did you marry that Chris guy? It's so obvious you have nothing in common and you are each trying to slot the other into your own personal fantasy of happiness.) Anyway, I remember David trying to Happy New Year me at midnight, but I wasn't having it. We'll do our happy in the morning.

I always have good intentions to get up super early and run, but when I don't have anything else pressing on my day, I tend to procrastinate. I ate my pancakes. Then watched the Sopranos. Then made the bed. Folded laundry. Before you knew it, it was 1:00p. I yelled at myself to go for my run before getting hungry for lunch.

I decided to make today another treadmill run. I prefer it because no one is ever in the condo gym (I'm renting a place in Myrtle Beach and it's the off season - no one is here!). Treadmills look out over the ocean. I like to watch dolphins swim when I run. Plus, I can park my coconut water and dates on the dash. Also, I rented Midnight in Paris on my iPad, so I figured I'd watch that.

I put the treadmill on 5.5. I watched a wedding ceremony out the window (they have them down here almost every weekend) for the first 3 miles, then popped on my movie for the rest. I timed it perfectly. My run was over exactly when the movie ended. Quick shower and a Maca/Acai berry smoothie and that's a wrap. 

Tomorrow, I cross train. 

But tonight we pop that champagne in celebration of 2012. 

And I promise I'll stay awake . . . so long as we do it before 10:00.

Happy New Year! 

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