Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tofu brekkie and 8-mile run

Today I craved tofu scramble. Honestly, It's better than real eggs. I never liked scrambled eggs. I only used to eat them poached. But if they were scrambled, I liked them with ketchup. I could try that with the tofu version, I suppose, but not the way I make it. I've been doing burrito-style.


-1 lb firm tofu
- half an onion
- clove of garlic
- 3 tbsp nutritional yeast (this makes it cheesy good!)
- few hits of tamari soy sauce
- few hits of liquid smoke (this makes it awesome, like BBQ!)
- 1/2 tsp tumeric (this makes it yellow)
- 1/2 tsp 3 or so spices you like (cumin, cayenne pepper, thyme, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder are popular in this dish)
- tortilla wrap (I went with Ezekiel brand since it's all sprouted and excellent for you, but I find it's tougher as a wrap and doesn't toast up as nicely on the stove. Still, super healthy so I don't mind)

- you can add Daiya cheddar cheese if you're craving
- I wanted an avocado today
- I cut up a little red pepper and tomato
- I sauteed a side of spinach in water till just wilted


- Drain your tofu. I learned to cut it in half and put it between two plates. Sit something heavy on top for 20 mins. 

- 5-8 mins with onion add garlic last few mins. BTW, you can saute w/o oil. A lot of plant-based eaters (and experts) recommend that. Use a little water if you need to. 

- Add tofu and hit it with your spices. Cook 10 mins. You can skip that whole middle step if you just want to use garlic and onion powder. 

- Throw your wrap right on fire to toast. Use tongs to flip it so it doesn't burn. I learned this from  my one-time Mexican roommate. It's so easy and good. There's an electric stove in the condo I'm renting, but it works on that too (just not as well as gas burner).


I poured a little salsa on it and folded that bad boy up into an satisfying (I moaned) breakfast burrito.

I ate it around 10:30 and wasn't hungry for lunch till around 3:00, which kind of screwed up my running schedule. So I ate a quick bowl of potato leek soup and leftover Moroccan stew before forcing myself to do my run.

Why force doing something I love?


I had a headache all day. This is day two. Part of me wants to think I'm coming down with something like a flu. But the other part of me calls bullshit on that notion. I drank too much champagne and I'm still paying for it two days later. While I was tempted to bag my run, I couldn't give myself a free pass two days in a row. So I poured myself a coconut water and peeled a few oranges and hit the treadmill.

My run felt easy. Again, I'm not exactly pushing myself, but I noticed that I had no problem moving. I could've easily kept going after the requisite eight miles, but I didn't. It's not called for and I have 20 this weekend. Weirdly, my headache (more like dull throb) is back again. I guess my pre-run Motrin wore off. At least I got through it.

I'll say one last thing since no one reads my blog (not even my mom!) and I want to get it off my chest. I know I'm a nerd. I once thought of myself as a badass -- piss in the wind, just cuz -- but, in reality, I like order. I like structure. What's cool to me now is to be aligned with my values and living in integrity with the desires of my higher self. Right now, that shows up for me in my food and on my runs. The Vegan Runner. I KNOW her. Me. I like her. So, when I decide to "let loose" and pound a bottle of wine or whatever, well.....I like her, I LOVE her, but I can't let her let ME down. We have to cooperate. And that means, you have to take a back seat for now, crazy chica.

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