Monday, December 26, 2011

Treadmill Conversions

Yesterday I ran my 20 mile long run at 5.2 on the treadmill. I never train for speed, but this feels a little slow to me compared to how I used to train.

I used to do slow runs at 6.0 (10 min/mi) and shorter runs at 6.5+, but these days I'm finding my shins ache too much very early on in these runs. If I only have to knock out 5 miles, this is fine, but anything longer my legs just aren't having it.

It's possible that I started training for a marathon without enough base miles under my belt. This happened to me once at the New York City Half Marathon -- my worst race ever. I walked a good deal of it in horrible pain. Both of my feet felt broken and I couldn't walk (or even stand) on them for a couple weeks afterwards without experiencing extreme pain.

So, I'm not embarrassed to say that I'm taking it a little slower for the time being till I can get my readiness back up to snuff. You can really hurt yourself if you let your ego call the shots.

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