Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sights on Marathon, Marathon Sites

One of my 2012 New Year's goals is to PR in a marathon. PR stands for personal record. Sometimes you hear it referred to as PB for personal best.

If you've run several races and like to keep a journal of your events and pace, is a great site that sources all your races in one place. If you don't find a race posted, you can shoot them a note and they'll get it uploaded PDQ. Here's a link to mine:

It's pretty clear that I've never broken any ribbons. While I've run 7 marathons in the past 10 years, I've done it on my own with no strategy, my only goal being to finish. So, I thought it would be pretty cool to train for another race with the intention to PR. I'm just in the early stages of research to find that perfect plan.

Meantime, I registered for the ING Miami marathon on January 29, 2012, which will be my 44th birthday. I have no plans to PR in this one. I just needed a race to get back in the game and play around with a better training and fueling strategy.

I usually get my training program from and customize my plan with their Smart Coach tool. The basic tool is free, which has always worked for me. For whatever reason, I couldn't access it in October when I was looking for a plan so I ended up with a standard Hal Higdon one. I trust it'll serve me just as well.

This will be my first marathon as a Vegan, which should be interesting. I read the Thrive Diet by professional triathlete Brendan Brazier and am quite inspired to experiment with nutrition as he's laid it out to aid in my training and recovery. His book is really well researched and he clearly knows what he's talking about. You can sign up for a series of free lessons at

I'll post his recommended fueling strategy tomorrow. I have a long run this weekend and need to whip up an Energy Pudding or maybe a Recovery Pudding. Besides, it'll be nice to have easy access to his good advice as I continue with my training.

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