Thursday, December 22, 2011

Living in the Zone

If you plan to stretch yourself this year, might I advise you begin at your desired end versus claw your way toward your goal(s). It's easier, more fun and effective that way. There's a little bit of creative visualization involved, but the trick is to create an opening for action, which you can do right now if you move to the edge and jump.

Here's a snapshot of a technology I learned 10 years ago when I took the Landmark Forum, offered by Landmark Education. It helps me till ground to manifest whatever new goal I'm working on. To use it, start by distinguishing your pretense (how you're pretending things are going in an effort to mask something you're hiding or haven't been able to face) and work your way toward your new (ontological) possibility. Try not to make it a "patch". There's nothing to fix. The game here is to throw a light on anything in your blindspot that's had you not move forward in this area so you can create anew. Your new "possibility" needs to light you up so much that you're called to live in this new context without effort. It's where you want to be and nothing else compares.

In working this through for yourself, you'll know you're on to something if you discover "what you are hiding" scares you a little or makes you embarrassed to admit. As Doc Phil says, you can't change what you don't acknowledge. You don't have to confess this stuff to the world, btw. Just share it with a few people who are close to you and can support you. I also think it's good enough just to know it for yourself.

You can do this for any area of life. Here's my latest possibility in the area of HEALTHY LONGEVITY and the context from which I'll operate in 2012:


• Beauty is fleeting and really doesn't matter all that much at my age. I'm no movie star, but I’m no soccer mom either. I'm as fit and fashionable as I can possibly be at 43 and eleven months old.

What am I hiding?

• My age is creeping up there and starting to scare me. I’m growing older and can’t stop. My eggs are officially “old”. I can visibly see the lines of time on my forehead and neck. I'm afraid it's all downhill from here. My days of being Fit, Lean and Sexy are over.

Impact on me

• Anxiety. Resignation. Despair. Feeling Invisible, Unwanted and Obsolete. Fear of Death.

When my jeans don't fit, it's a cue that I'm losing control. It's not my age or weight per se, it's more like what they represent. I'm past my prime in a society whose main agenda for this next stage of life is to "stay alive". I'm not young. I'm not old. I'm in limbo. How much time do I have left to create my future? What if I'm too old to start a family? What currency do I have left as a woman?

Impact on others (husband)

•  He thinks I'm hot so what's the problem?

New possibility

I’m going to transcend our ageist culture and grow biologically younger so much that it shows. I'm going to tap a higher consciousness through Love and Compassion and take actions consistent with these values. I don't need to levitate on a mountain to experience Peace. I'll carry with me everywhere. To make it happen, I'm inventing the possibility of being Manic Organic!

Triumph over the past

In 2002, at age 34, I created the possibility of being Fit, Lean and Sexy -- a huge stretch in what I ever imagined for myself. I distinguished my blocks and took actions to break through. FLS no longer lives as a possibility in my life. It is my reality. I went from bowls of chocolate ice cream to completing 7 marathons. I continue to run as a way of life. I am Fit, Lean and Sexy.

Now,  I can bend reality even more to defy my age. No more calorie counting! No more managing carbs. I can make a shift so that a rockin' body, healthy glow, and all around peace, love and harmony is a consequence of something much bigger.


I'm not going to make the 'stats' the focus, but it'll be interesting to see how they shift within a new context. I've tracked my measurements since forever. I'm sure I have older logs in storage with even more info. While I don't have a specific weight goal in mind for 2012, I'm excited to see where I'll end up when I start to reap the benefits of the Manic Organic. I think I'll start tracking my body fat and maybe cholesterol, since those more invisible metrics might be more telling.

Anyway, here's my starting place. Note: I am 5'6".

I was traveling a lot this fall and my weight climbed back and plateaued at 143.4. Weird number. It was on the scale every day till I shifted my diet and just like that, I "un-plateaued". The weight has been flying off! It's only been five or so weeks since I've been experimenting with a Vegan diet (while NOT dieting), but I'm happy to report this morning's scale flashed back 137.0. Happy day! I'm on the right track. I'll get a tape measure and fill out the rest of these stats soon.

I should point out that I've always maintained a healthy diet. I gave up red meat and pork (mostly due to hormones, antibiotics) in 1991 as a New Year's resolution. It was an easy year so I kept it going and gave up poultry as my resolution 1992 (mostly because I couldn't be trusted to eat it responsibly -- aka, KFC.) I also started food combining around that time and did so for many years to follow, inspired by the book, "Fit For Life". By recall, my weight when I'm being really good was around 112 lbs (in my early 20s), 119 lbs (mid 20s), 125 lbs (late 20s). I have a whole journal dedicated to my 30s, which I can dig out if anyone is interested.

Here's me four years ago on 11/9/07 at 129 lbs (which was the truth). My license is about to expire so I need to get back to 129 (by 1/29), or lie a little and do it after I get it renewed.

In the past couple months I've read a few books that opened my eyes about the benefits of a whole-food, plant-based diet (most namely, "The China Study") which has me motivated to take my diet to the next level of commitment. I'm going Vegan.

Here's what I'm eating right now. Homemade pizza (dairy-free mozzarella by Daiya, OMG yummy!) with artichoke hearts, basil, yellow peppers and pine nuts. I built it myself on flatbread with my own toppings. That's homemade asparagus soup there too. I'll do a video to show how easy some of these meals are to make. This soup is divine and there's nothing in it! Key is homemade broth. I'll post later on that too.

It's mostly about figuring out what you're in the mood for. This was my dinner the other day: Polenta with mushroom gravy, sweet potato, spinach and tomato. And a few glasses of red wine, of course. Definitely not diet food, but out of this world, so good.

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