Saturday, September 8, 2012

Training Zones

Once you determine your max heart rate and resting heart rate, use this formula to calculate your personal training zones: ((MHR-RHR) x Percent level) + RHR. In my case MHR = 183 and RHR = 50.

Click here for calculator.

Today I am scheduled for a 10 mile long run. 

This site tells you what pace/heart rate zone you should run for every type of training run.

It's saying to keep around 67-77% of max for long run, which gives me a slightly lower HR target. I'll just use the chart above and run in Zone 3 (144-157).

So THAT'S why they call it a long run. You have to run turtle slow!

Monday's recovery run needs to be <70%, so that's a Zone 2. 

In the past, I've run everything at the same pace. I guess I really need to slow down for the long and recovery runs and seriously ramp up for Wed tempo and hill training.

Good to know. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Heart Rate Training (MHR: 183)

I read Finding Ultra by Rich Roll last month. I'm not a big fan of athletes' memoirs that take you into the details of their childhood, but somehow this one works. Makes me think that we all start out with something and the choice is yours to use it or lose it -- and -- more hopefully, get it back in your 40s if you're so inclined. I like that he's intense. A lawyer. A recovered alcoholic. A nerd. A vegan. And of course:

One Of 2009's Men's Fitness Magazine's 

"25 Fittest Guys In The World" 

Rich tracks his data and suggests several brands of heart monitors among other products. I have never trained for performance, but if I'm going to meet a new speed goal this year for the marathon, I figured I should buy some sort of highfalutin device. I got an ugly Garmin wrist watch Forerunner 210. It spits out the exact same heart rate as the shiny handles on the treadmill at the gym. It tells me the exact outdoor pace and mileage as my Nike ishoe. Please tell me I didn't drop $250 on a toy I don't need with money I don't have. I need to find a way to justify this purchase!

What is my ideal maximum heart (MHR)?

I did a cut and paste for best estimate of MHR based on age (see below). Using these formulas, mine should be:

Formula #1 (beginning runners): 182
Formula #2 (active people): 183
Formula #3 (same idea): 178

Long Run
Here are the stats from my first long training (8 miles) using my new Garmin. I don't think I'm supposed to be at max for these runs, and I wasn't. 

Ave HR 155 bpm
Max HR 171 bmp

Long Run 8/25 by jsilka at Garmin Connect - Details

NOTE: I had to get off the treadmill at the YMCA and re-register for it every 30 mins, so that's why my heart slowed down at those points.

I did my next run on the treadmill, too. Good thing is I did a proper hill workout I found on the internet and my heart rate was higher on average and max. Still, looks like I actually need to push harder to reach my 182/3 ideal. 

Ave HR 167 bpm
Max HR 174 bmp

Today I had a six mile "tempo" run, which means run comfortably hard, an oxymoron if you ask me because hard isn't comfortable so I tend to run slower than a 10 minute mile and then feel badly about it.

According to the article below, the goal for a tempo run is 85% of MHR .8(183)=156
  • I ran the first few miles at 5.7 on the treadmill (10:30 pace), but then had to slow it down as my heart rate creeped to 160

  • In rereading the advice here, I guess I could've kept my HR at 165 and have done just as well. I'll give myself more flexibility next time.

HEART RATE Heart rate is tricky because a new runner could reach tempo pace at 60 percent of maximum heart rate, while a well-trained runner might achieve tempo pace at 90 percent. Begin by using 80 to 85 percent of your max and adjust your pace or heart rate in conjunction with the other methods. Determine your max heart rate by running 3 x 800 meters with two minutes recovery. On the third 800, run the last 400 as hard as you can and you will come close to your max heart rate

Ave HR 156 bpm
Max HR 163 bmp

NOTE about tempo runs - 

  • For easy-paced runs, most runners take three footstrikes while breathing in and two footstrikes while breathing out.
  • For tempo runs, you should be at two footstrikes while breathing in and one footstrike while breathing out. If you're breathing faster than that, your pace is too fast. 


Simple Formulaic Estimation of the MHR Based on Age:
In general, this method will provide reasonable accuracy for about 80% of runners, but it should almost invariably be supplemented with an actual test. Typically, one of three simple formulas is used to estimate one's maximum heart rate.

Formula #1: The first formula involves simply subtracting your age from the number 220 (for men) or from 226 (for women). This method is preferred for beginning runners, those who have been leading a sedentary lifestyle. Simple Heart Zones Calculator

Formula #2: The second formula is very similar, but is preferable for those who are already quite active. For this formula, simply subtract half of your age from the number 205.

Formula #3: The third formula runs along the same vein as the two preceding it. For men, subtract 80% of your age from the number 214. For women, subtract 70% of your age from the number 209.
All of these formulas provide approximations that are based on the standard curves representing the "normal" MHR's for any given age, and they get you close to your own MHR, but not close enough. The numbers you will get when you plug in your own age would best be used as a guide, as opposed to an accurate measure.

Full article:

Monday, August 27, 2012

Juice Fast Monday

I juice/smoothie/soup fast every Monday since February. I feel that it is doable and smart --  a good way to super-charge my cells and keep me focused on healthy living. I have to remind myself every Monday that I love this lifestyle. It's more clear to me on Tuesdays, especially when I step off the scale. It also centers me for the week. My weight is down 25 lbs this year! I don't calorie count or worry about it any more. I just juice. And eat vegan. And lay off the wine during the week. Those are big lifestyle changes for me, but hey, I look much better in my clothes (and out) so it's worth it.

I'm in Sarasota, FL for the next month. I brought my spare juicer with me from New York. I carried it on the flight in a big purse. Of course, TSA had to run a million tests on it, but it passed. There are no blades, just a cheese grater-like plate and a motor. It's very compact: the pulp catches on the inside walls, which makes it highly portable. Great thing is I can juice when I'm down here and not behave like a wild woman on vacation for next month. Bad thing is, I never really did like this juicer much. It jumps around as I make juice and is kind of a pain to clean. I recently replaced it with the Breville Juice Fountain at home. Now I have two, which means I never have to be without :)
Husband is a committed alcoholic and carnivore, so another thing that helps me stay on my game is You Tube videos.  I love Dan the Man, liferegenerator. He posts all the time and I adore his energy and honesty. Here's one he posted yesterday. Don't worry so much about the title re: how to gain weight w/raw foods. That's the "Fruit & Strength" guy's thing. All of Dan's videos (incl Dan) are all about fruit, veg, raw and love. I found him one day when I was just messing around on the computer and I'm hooked.

VID: Dan McDonald, hanging out yesterday

His site is He's posted something like 1,300 videos on You Tube. Here's a nice one I just found. It's not like I necessarily learn something new every day. Rather, he keeps me in the conversation. Helps me keep my head on straight as I'm leaning in to a healthier lifestyle. I'm not raw by any means, but ... he makes me think about it and when I think, I make better choices.

VID: Lesson from Dan

I had oreos, chips and wine this weekend was the weekend and I felt entitled. Entitled to what exactly, I'm not sure. My stomach has been feeling a wee bit off since I got here. Time to course correct.

I juiced a cantaloupe this morning. For lunch I made a concoction inspired by the Dan-the-Man Lemon Ginger Blast. Base is apple, ginger, lemon. Add to that celery and cucumber for fullness, and then any greens you want. I tossed in cilantro, parsley, kale, spinach...a little pineapple too. It's really good. I made a bunch since I'll be drinking it within the next couple hours. I used David's empty grapefruit bottle to store it.

Everything around here is closed down for hurricane Isaac, which isn't even a drizzle. They closed the YMCA and the workout room here at the condo. It's maddening because I need to run 6 EZ miles and now I have to push that off till tomorrow.

My mom called me this morning to tell me my Aunt Lori died at 5AM. She was 74. They couldn't pinpoint what caused her to get sick. She had low white blood cells, like my mom has. They call my mother's neutropenia. No one knows the cause. Or cure.

Looks like I'll be flying to Chicago this weekend for the funeral. I feel angry that my family is sick, old and dying. My Uncle Al - the healthiest looking guy I've ever seen -- was just given a year to live. Prostate cancer. I don't want to go back to Chicago. I don't want to accept any of this. It makes me feel hopeless. And angry. I want to make everyone change their diet right this second. I think there is a link. No one will listen. No one. No one. No one.

This is a great video from Dan the Man w/ healthy, easy recipes.

VID: Health and Rejuvenation Day with Day

Note to self for salad dressing recipe per video above:
  • Apple cider vinegar, avocado, sea salt, basil, garlic, dill, dulse. 
And this recipe for tacos:
  • Meat: walnuts, salt, hemp seed oil, liquid aminos, garlic, paprika. 
  • Cheese: pistacchio, sea salt and nutritional yeast. 

Assemble in romaine leaf w/ jalepeno and black olives and tomato.

I know Dan sells DVDs to make a few bucks, and since this video was from a workshop he gave, I hope I'm not telling all his secrets. I don't have his DVDs, but I would like to get them. Recipes aside, he's fun to watch. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I like the before-vs-after pics on this transformation. She needs to smile after, but otherwise her bod looks better.

BEFORE (120lbs)

AFTER (125lbs)

Especially booty lift: Photo Album - Imgur

I joined the YMCA for one month. I'm going today for an 8 mile run. I look forward to cross training this time. They have a great pool! And weights. And classes.

Pretty sure I won't be winning any swimsuit competitions, but maybe I'll do pre/post pics. I love a good transformation story.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

DAY #3: 5 Tempo Run

I was sore yesterday and didn't have a plan in place for XT, so I didn't do anything. Hate that. I'd like to buy the Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis ($90), but am leery about reviews from serious trainers that her exercises don't work to change your body. I love her Mat Workout and used to do it every day. Maybe I liked it so much because it doesn't really push me? But it does! Sorta.

I'm packing for Florida now, so I'll worry about XT later. They have a pool where I'll be staying, so at least I'll be able to do some laps.

5 Tempo by jsilka at Garmin Connect - Details

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Healthy Vegan Caesar Salad (Brendan Braizer)

I am a student of Brendan Braizer. I have this book. Didn't notice this recipe in it, so glad Whitney demonstrated. I will definitely make it. Only thing is I am packing up to live in FL again for another month till we figure out a better living arrangement for Tyler. I will have to pack my food processor and miso b/c I don't want to have to repurchase down there. If I can get it all in my carry-on, I'll make it for sure.

Monday, August 20, 2012

DAY #1 Tucson Marathon Training (5EZ Miles)

Bought a Garmin Forerunner 210 Heart Rate Monitor and GPS. I felt I needed something to upgrade my training. How can I improve my performance if all I ever do is lace up and jog out the miles? I need to pay more attention to the details -- speed, hills, diet, all of it.

I haven't been exercising (doctor's orders) for the past month, which has been a real drag. I have zero control over so many things in my life right now; feels like nothing is going my way. My running supports the illusion that I actually have a say in how my life goes. But I'm a little worried I lost my groove.

My first 5 EZ miles on the marathon schedule felt a little harder than expected. Nothing terrible, but a little ache in left ankle and some random new muscle on my right leg. I guess it will take a few more runs to work out the kinks. I've got 16 weeks to train, so hopefully I'll be able to pick up the pace.

I need/hope/want the Tucson Marathon to be my PR marathon. It's billed as a "downhill" run, so very promising on that front.

Timing is right too. December 9, 2012.

Rooting for cool weather to make up for Miami Marathon this year. Blah.

5EZ by jsilka at Garmin Connect - Splits

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Nothing Goes Fast. But Speed.

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to PR in a marathon. I'm frustrated trying to get it done, and don't know how I will (but I will!) by end of year. I had a pinch in my hip after the Miami marathon, so I bagged running and went to yoga till that felt better. Then summer was here before I knew it. I ran the Amica Iron Horse Half Marathon on June 3, 2012. I did PR that race! 2:03:40 (that's 9:26 mile), shaving 53 seconds off my previous PR (2:04:33) in London at the Adidas Silverstone Half in March '09. Gettin' older. Gettin' faster.

I actually felt myself going fast, scenery flying by. Runner's World Magazine had recommended Iron Horse for flat, pretty, PR-ability. Plus it was close to New Haven, CT where Tyler goes to school so I planned to sneak in a run during one of our monthly visits. Not that much ever seems to go to plan in my world.

Chapel Haven, the school we had just enrolled Tyler in, turned out to be a poor fit. I'm inclined to wag my finger at the $86,400/yr program, but what's the point? It didn't work. Tyler really needs a program that is more tailored to his learning style. A one-size-fits-all Autism educational programming just didn't work. His home-life was causing him a great deal of stress, so David and I took him out May 25 - just before this run.

Still, no excuses! My resolutions need to stay on track. I'm vegan almost 8 mos now -- dropped 25 lbs with very little effort, which is why my running time has improved. I still haven't done much speedwork. I feel ready to do that now, but alas, I'm starting IVF next week and so that I don't flip an ovary (you shoot yourself with follicle stimulating hormone that makes your ovaries temporarily bigger to work harder), I'm supposed to keep the workouts down to "walking" and "some light weights". The nurse said it three times in Teach Class, "No marathon training!" haha, cuz who would ever do that?!

I do it because I need it. My goals help keep me on track and generally happy. When my running/workout structure goes out, everything caves for me it seems. I've been there too many times. It's like pulling AA meetings away from an alcoholic. Not a good idea. I NEED STRUCTURE!

Honestly, that's why I have a lot of heart for Tyler. People with autism also need structure. He's back to living with us in NYC in a 400 square foot apartment. He sleeps on the couch right next to us - pretty miserable for all. It's temporary, of course. David took him to Florida the past month for more space, which helps. I was with them for the past 10 days, which is where I filmed my speed work video, below. Nice place. $1,500/month -- much cheaper than Chapel Haven or a monthly rental in New York.

New Plan might have me set Tyler up in an apartment in Toronto next month and live with him a few months till we can hire my replacement/more support. That's the latest anyway. He's Canadian, so long term, we'll have to move him back there. Plus, he has family there. Not sure how involved they want to be right now, but our hope is that if we can create stable structure, family will come around. Or not. Hard to say.

I made note that the Toronto Marathon is October 14 (87 days from now). Not really enough time to train for a marathon. If I am living there, I'll do the Half and try to out PR my last half. Unless of course I'm pregnant (goal of all goals) I'll just run for fun if doctor says it's OK.

I'm also job hunting. I have two interviews next week. Stressful, because not sure I could take them yet if I wanted. But dang, we need the money. Enough of that. Let's talk about running.

Till yesterday morning, I had no idea how fast I could run. I still don't. I pumped the treadmill to 9 to start. That's a 6:40 mile, I think. After a few minutes, I decreased treadmill speed to 8.5, then 8.0 then 7.5 for an average of an 8:00 mile according to my iPod, which doesn't make sense to me since 7.5 on treadmill is 8:00 mile. Right? I may need to run this experiment again. Today, the sides of my butt hurt. It's a great hurt! I want to do it again just for that.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Fire Starter Sessions

NYC Book Launch

I attended The Fire Starter Sessions NY Book Launch last night from 8P-11P at Greenhouse in Soho. It was to celebrate Danielle LaPorte's new book. I've never read her, but I really like how she writes -- blogs and such. Very clear. Inspiring. She'd be a great strategic planner in an agency, but she's bigger than that. Good for her!

$25 bought me a ticket to event, her book and a drink.

I invited my new friend Jen, who is fun, reflective, lovely, spunky even. The evening was billed to have speakers I really like: Marie Forleo and Kris Carr, in particular. Gabrielle Bernstein, too, but I don't "know" her as well. The event sold out. 500 angry women attended.

Well, maybe not all 500 were angry. There were lots of us who just wanted to be part of this energy. I go to the negative first, which is something I'd like to work on. But it's what I saw. My first trigger was in line outside, a line that wrapped the building. As I got closer to the front, Jen was still a few blocks away, so I started letting people go in front of me. One woman (half my age) obviously thought I cut in to the line in front of her and informed me, "Love, the line starts back there." 

TRIGGER> "Love?" How about if I pound you straight into the earth with one hard pop on the top of your head?

I let her know I was already in line and was actually letting people cut in front of me. I said, please, go in front of me. I'm waiting for my friend. She look indignant. She'd rather that I had been a cheater and cutter and someone to fight than have to deal with her own misunderstanding. Yuck. I tried to shake the energy, but carried it with me inside.

There were a lot of ego-charged women here actually. Chests all puffed out. Self-righteous claims to the seats they were holding with their purses in the back. I didn't like them. I was glad to have Jen with me.

The speakers who I really wanted to hear didn't really speak. They all just introduced and gushed a little about Danielle. Too quick. I wanted more! But OK. I get it. It's a book launch.

Then Danielle spoke.

She shared a poem of sorts. A real message about finding your space in the universe. More poetic than that, but. Anyway. I was all -- I hope there's more space out there for me. There's a woman standing on my foot. Danielle went on to share the foundation for success, which includes kindness and love. I tried to find little miss "Love - the line starts back there" and point in her face to make sure she got the message. Man, these women have a long way to go.

OK. Me too. I get it.

When the speaking part was over, everyone dogpiled to the front where we were standing to get their free book.

TRIGGER>Wouldn't it have been smarter to give you your book when you showed your ticket at the front door?

Like two salmon swimming up a menstrual stream, we pushed our way toward the Exit sign. Oxygen! With our new orange hardcovers in hand, we found space and nibblies and red wine at City Wine across the street. All told, a lovely time.

Today I'm going to dive into this book -- knowing very little about it -- with the intention of rewiring the junk in my head to land a job I love in the next 30 days.

Let's get this fire started!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Getting Healthy: First Me, Then Tyler, Now David

A lot has happened in the past month. We successfully transitioned my stepson to a 2-yr training program called Chapel Haven in New Haven, CT that helps young adults w/Asperger's develop the skills they need to live independently.

Here I am admiring Tyler's schedule in his new apartment. "Meditation"... "Hiking".... "Veggie Palooza?!" What great classes! He's already off to a good start. He lost 30 pounds (and I lost 15) during his time with me! It was a lot of small stuff, really. I'd put out a cup of carrots and raw veg daily. He was good about chomping them down. And he really enjoyed walking miles on the beach every day. He started to lay off the junk food, too. His choice. Not sure what prompted it other than a deeper sense of peace; no need for junk to fill the void. I believe he's in the right place now for the next stage of his growth. The structure of a program is sure to be a big help on his continued path to health and happiness. Keep up the good work Tyler! 

During these past eight months, in addition to providing Tyler with assisted living in Myrtle Beach, I took the time to reconnect to my source with the intention of holding my center when I moved back to New York. Now that I'm back, I'm stepping right in to my own "healthy" appointments and dragging my husband David along with me.

I bought two Groupons for Colon Hydrotherapy at Suite Retreat $55 each (reg $150). They also encourage tips (about $30). We had our appointment this past Saturday. I came skipping out of my room only to find David sitting there grouchy-faced, looking like he was about to flip a table over. 

I'll start from the beginning. We both got briefed by our separate therapists about their sterile equipment. They assured us they disgard the butt probes after every use. David clarified, "You mean, you don't give them out as souvenirs?" Fortunately, no, they don't.

I'll spare you all the details. But if you're curious, check out some videos on YouTube. People --  literally -- post the weirdest shit! It helped me know what to expect, anyway.

My session went well. My therapist said I had one of the best colons she'd ever seen. I'll bet she says that to all her clients. Even so, things moved very smoothly. At one point, she said that an 8" piece of solid material came through the tube. I couldn't see the tube, but could feel the movement. She thinks this was from the transverse area of my colon. How crazy! I asked her if I had just waited, would that be something that would come out this afternoon? She said no. It was dark colored, so probably there a couple years. A couple years!!!! She told me then about another client, 26 years old, who also came in with a coupon. A dime came out during that session! Evidently, this woman had swallowed it when she was four! My therapist says she and Rose, the owner, joke that they could open a toy shop with all the parts they collect in their business. Good God people! We've got to clean our colons out! I am now a convert.

So anyway, me and my awesome colon came skipping out of the room when the session was over. David was already in the waiting room. He was angry. He said it was a waste of money. He felt backed up and constipated now -- way worse than when we arrived. Apparently, his junk was slow to move. 

I just spoke with his therapist to get the scoop and set him up for a follow-up appointment. First off, she prescribed:

- Dr. Ohhira's probiotic. Take two in morning on empty stomach
- Super Cleanse - take only at night; follow instructions

She says it's cheapest to order online. I found both on Amazon -- and treated myself to Aloe Vera and Life's DHA Omega 3 supplements that I've been meaning to buy for a while. 

Rose (owner/therapist) confirmed that David was too impacted to see results on his first session. She'd like him to clean up his diet, take these probiotics and come back in a couple weeks. I think David wanted good news and felt frustrated that this is just "one more thing" that doesn't work. Listen, I told him. This is simply a result of your choices. That's what you're dealing with. Make better choices and get better results. You need to start a cleanse now. 21 Days. Can you do it?

He said he can. He said he is starting now. So, Sunday night (4/15) I captured his commitment on video. He looks a little tired. A little bloated. No matter. David can lose weight really quickly when he focuses, so let's do this! 

Here's his promise for the next 21 days:

NOTE: After further discussion, we decided to skip the "gluten-free" restriction. There is already so much that he has to give up from his current diet no point in overwhelming him with itty bitty details. Most importantly, he will be cutting out: alcohol, caffeine, meat and animal products (milk, diary, etc.) sugar (not a weakness for him) and processed foods. 


April 16, 2012

256 lbs
45" waist

DAY TWO STATS: Weight: 253.6 (already down 2.4 lbs!)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kathy Freston Talks Healthy Eating

Kathy Freston Talks Healthy Eating

What's Your Secret Agent Name?

That's today's burning question from Danielle LaPorte.

David filmed me on Friday night doing my Bond-girl dance in front of the red glow of Netflix reflecting off the window. He says my name should be Silky Galore, which auto-corrected just now on his text message to Silly Galore. They both work.

Money Penny could be good cuz Lord knows we need it right now to put Tyler through school; maybe find a cure to Asperger's Syndrome while we're at it. But that's a fix to a problem and not a good way to approach the assignment.

I want my Agent name to convey:
- power
- ease
- courage
- a little danger, baby
- possibility
- positivity
- humor
- glam and fashion

OK, Julia Silka. Let's not over-think this. It's all right there.
and yet, still soy light and funny.

Agent Silk it is.

Cue Bond music.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Smoothie for a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

St. Paddy’s Chocolate Mint Smoothie 
by Maureen Shannon

Who needs green beer when you can drink this cheer in glass? Bring out your inner leprechaun with this festive St. Paddy’s day smoothie. Let the magical powers of this delicious drink dance in your belly and make you smile with delight. Cheers!

Makes 16 - 18 oz.

-1 frozen banana
-11⁄2 cups non-dairy milk (almond, hemp or rice)
-1 tablespoon ground hemp seeds
-1⁄4 cup soaked cashews (soaked in water for 4 hours; drained and rinsed well)
-Handful of fresh mint (leaves only)
-Big handful of spinach leaves
-1⁄4 teaspoon peppermint extract (optional)
-1 tablespoon cacao nibs

Prep and wash all produce. Blend ingredients and garnish with a few more cacao nibs and a mint leaf. Serve.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Peaceful Warrior

I'm still not drinking and haven't wanted (or thankfully needed!) it at all this week. The cleanse really helped me break that habit. I just have to be careful not to pick it up again. Weekends, Julia. Or socially during the week, but try not to go out with husband because he's a faucet.

I checked out Pilates/Yoga fusion class today. It's cool that my friend/teacher is always snapping pictures of us and posting them on her site. My butt looks really weird in a few of them so I'm not going to upload here, but I like this one. I'm on the green mat closest to camera. Look at the teacher in front of room! Bend that Peaceful Warrior! More yoga and healthy eating tomorrow.

My longer-term plan is to find a half marathon to train for/PR in within next 3-4 months and then train for fall marathon (New York or Chicago probably; maybe Toronto or West Haven, CT). Hip still ailing. Not sure there's much I can do about it other than take it slow: keep up with the yoga. Add some swimming and weight training. Probably a good idea to mix it up, anyway.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Fitness Magazine: Love Your Legs Workout

Fitness Magazine 
Love Your Legs Workout

They say it's important to mix it up. I should'a, would'a, didn't do this workout today. Instead, I ran 1.5 miles in quarter-mile sprints at 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5. That's 9:14, 8:34 and the last mile at an 8 minute pace. I didn't know I could run that fast (even at .25 miles at a time). Not sure how long my breaks are supposed to be between the miles. I probably took too long, but I just listened to my body, hip still hurts a pinch. I finished the workout with half-assed biceps and triceps. At least I feel like I got back in the game. I'll get more serious about it tomorrow. 

Do the routine three times a week on nonconsecutive days, resting for around 30 seconds between sets. All you'll need is a chair, a 5-pound dumbbell, and a towel.

Split Squat

Targets butt and quads
  • Stand with back facing a chair (about 2 feet away), hands on hips, and bend left leg behind you to place top of foot on chair seat.
  • Squat, bending right leg 90 degrees with knee over ankle. Make it harder: After each full squat, do a half squat, bending just 45 degrees.
  • Do 15 to 20 reps. Switch legs and repeat. Do 2 to 3 sets.

Sissy Squat

Targets quads, hamstrings, and calves
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart with right side next to a chair, right hand holding seat back.
  • Rise up onto toes (heels off floor) and bend knees 90 degrees as you lean torso back 45 degrees (so that body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders, abs tight.)
  • Return to standing on toes. Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps

Pistol Squat

Targets butt and quads
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, fists in front of chest with elbows bent; lift right foot forward a few inches off floor, foot flexed.
  • Squat, bending left knee 90 degrees, as you lift right leg to hip level in front of you. Make it easier: Let right heel hover close to floor.
  • Do 15 to 20 reps, then switch sides and repeat. Do 2 to 3 sets.

Goblet Squat

Targets butt, quads, inner thighs, and hamstrings
  • Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out, holding handle of a single dumbbell vertically with both hands in front of chest (like a goblet), elbows bent out to sides.
  • Squat, bending knees 90 degrees. Make it harder: Holding weight in place, jump up slightly as you rise out of squat, landing with knees soft.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Three-Way Lunge

Targets butt, quads, inner thighs, andhamstrings
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands clasped in front of chest. Lungeforward with left leg (knees bent 90 degrees); return to start.
  • Lunge left leg out to left, toes facing forward, and bend left knee 90 degrees. Return to start.
  • Lunge backward with left leg to complete 1 rep. Repeat sequence with right leg.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps, alternating sides.

Good Morning

Targets abs, butt, and hamstrings
  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding ends of a single dumbbell in each hand; bend elbows by sides to bring weight under chin.
  • Keeping legs straight and maintaining arm position, press butt backward as you hinge forward at hips until back is near parallel to floor.
  • Return to standing. Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Single-Leg Dead Lift

Targets butt and hamstrings
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing front of thighs.
  • Hinge forward at hips 90 degrees as you lift extended left leg behind you so that body is parallel to floor from head to left heel, arms hanging down.
  • Return to start. Do 15 to 20 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 to 3 sets.

Hamstring Curl

Targets butt and hamstrings
  • Lie faceup on floor, arms by sides, legs extended with heels pressing into a folded towel on floor.
  • Slowly pull heels toward butt as you lift hips off floor until knees are bent 90 degrees and body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees.
  • Slide legs forward to return to start.
  • Do 2 to 3 sets of 15 to 20 reps.

Calf Raise Three Ways

Targets calves
  • Stand with balls of feet on bottom step of a staircase, heels hanging over edge, hands on hips.
  • Turn toes inward. Lift heels high, then lower them slightly below level of step. Do 15 to 20 reps.
  • Next, turn toes out 45 degrees; repeat.
  • With toes forward, stand on left leg only, bending right leg behind you; repeat lifts. Do 15 to 20 reps. Switch legs; repeat. Do 2 to 3 sets of series.